10+ WordPress Issues and How to Fix Them

If you’re a WordPress user, then you know that sometimes things can go wrong. Whether it’s an issue with the theme or plugin you’re using, or with the core WordPress software itself, these problems can be frustrating and time-consuming to fix. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common WordPress issues and how to fix them. We’ll also provide some tips for diagnosing and troubleshooting these problems yourself. So if you’re having trouble with your WordPress website, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered!

1. WordPress White Screen of Death

If you’re getting a blank page when trying to access your WordPress website, it could be due to a faulty plugin or theme, memory limit issues, or other server problems. To troubleshoot this issue, you should first try disabling all plugins and switching to the default theme. If that doesn’t work, you should contact your host to investigate the problem further.

2. WordPress Internal Server Error

An Internal Server Error is one of the most common WordPress errors. This error occurs when there’s a problem with the server or file system that’s preventing WordPress from responding to requests. To diagnose this issue, you can check your server logs for more details about why the request failed and try re-uploading the wp-admin and wp-includes folders from a fresh install of WordPress. If that doesn’t work, you may need to contact your host for further assistance.

3. WordPress 404 Error

This error is usually caused when a page or post is deleted or moved to another URL without setting up a redirect. To fix this, you can enable pretty permalinks in the WordPress settings, which will allow you to set up redirects for any deleted or moved content.

4. WordPress Maintenance Mode Error

Sometimes, if you’re updating your WordPress website, it can enter a maintenance mode that prevents access to the site while the updates are being applied. To fix this issue, you should try manually disabling all plugins and switching back to the default theme until the maintenance mode is over.

5. WordPress Memory Limit Issue

If you’re seeing the “ Fatal error: Allowed memory size of … bytes exhausted (tried to allocate … bytes)” error message, then it means that your website is hitting its memory limit. To fix this issue, you should try increasing the memory limit in your wp-config.php file or contact your host to increase the memory limit for your website.

6. WordPress Syntax Error

Sometimes you may see a syntax error when trying to edit a theme or plugin file, which can be caused by mistakes in the code itself. To fix this issue, you should carefully check all of the code in the file and make sure that it’s correctly formatted.

7. WordPress Database Connection Error

This error occurs when there’s a problem with your website’s connection to its database. To diagnose this issue, you should check your wp-config.php file for any typos or incorrect information and then try resetting your database password. You can also try re-uploading the wp-admin and wp-includes folders from a fresh install of WordPress.

8. WordPress Login Page Refresh Loop

If you’re stuck in an infinite loop when trying to log into your WordPress website, it could be due to incorrect login details or a problem with your .htaccess file. To fix this issue, you should try resetting your password and/or updating the .htaccess file.

9. WordPress Update Errors

If you’re having trouble updating WordPress, it could be due to a connection error or problems with the files themselves. To diagnose this issue, you should try disabling all plugins and switching to the default theme. You can also try re-uploading the wp-admin and wp-includes folders from a fresh install of WordPress.

10. White Text & Missing Buttons in WordPress Visual Editor

If you’re seeing white text or missing buttons in the visual editor, it could be due to a plugin conflict or an outdated version of WordPress. To fix this issue, you should try disabling all plugins and switching to the default theme. You can also try re-uploading the wp-admin and wp-includes folders from a fresh install of WordPress.

11. WordPress Stuck in Redirect Loop

If your website is stuck in an infinite redirect loop, it could be due to incorrect settings in the .htaccess file or a conflict with another plugin. To fix this issue, you should try resetting your permalinks and/or updating the .htaccess file. You can also try disabling all plugins and switching back to the default theme until the loop is resolved.

12. Slow WordPress Admin Dashboard

If your WordPress admin dashboard is slow or unresponsive, it could be due to a large number of users on the server or an outdated version of WordPress. To diagnose this issue, you should try disabling all plugins and switching to the default theme. You can also try re-uploading the wp-admin and wp-includes folders from a fresh install of WordPress.

Common Diagnostic Plugins for WordPress Issues

When diagnosing any of the issues mentioned above, it’s important to have plugins that can help you get to the root of the problem. Some popular diagnostic plugins for WordPress include Query Monitor, Debug Bar, and WP Checkup.

  • Query Monitor: This plugin provides detailed information about database queries, hooks, and more to help you troubleshoot errors.
  • Debug Bar: This plugin adds a debug menu to the admin bar that allows you to view PHP warnings, query information, and other debugging information.
  • WP Checkup: This plugin scans your WordPress site for common issues such as outdated software, security threats, and performance issues.

By using these diagnostic plugins, you can quickly identify the underlying cause of any WordPress issue and take steps to fix it. With a bit of troubleshooting and patience, you can get your website back on track in no time!

Wrap Up

We hope that you found this post helpful. If you are experiencing any of these issues with your WordPress site, please do not hesitate to contact us for help. It may be great knowing the solution to your problem, but if you don’t have the technical expertise, it’s always safer to have a professional do the job. We are always here to help! Call or text (360) 450-3711

Who is Graticle?

Graticle Design is a web design and development company based in Washington State. We specialize in providing custom WordPress solutions to small businesses, non-profits, and individuals. Our team of professionals have years of experience working with WordPress, making us an ideal choice for anyone looking to take their website to the next level. Have a question? Reach out to us via our contact form or call us at (360) 450-3711. We look forward to hearing from you!


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why won’t WordPress let me add a plugin?

This is usually caused by a couple of different issues. The first is that your hosting may not be compatible with the plugin you’re trying to install, so check to make sure it meets the requirements for the plugin. The other possibility is that you don’t have enough memory allocated in your WordPress settings. To fix this, increase the memory limit by going to Settings > General and increasing the allocated memory. You may also need to change your PHP settings.

2. Why isn’t WordPress updating?

Sometimes WordPress may not update due to a lack of memory or incorrect file permissions on your server. To fix this, check the setting in Settings > General and make sure that you have enough allocated memory for the updates. You should also double-check the file permissions on all of the WordPress files, as incorrect permissions can prevent updates.

3. Why am I getting 404 errors?

404 errors usually occur when the URL in your browser does not match up with any content on your WordPress site. This could be because you have either mistyped a link or deleted a page that was linked elsewhere on your website. To fix this, check for any broken links on your website and correct them. You can also try flushing the permalinks by going to Settings > Permalinks and clicking “Save Changes”.

4. Why is my site taking too long to load?

Slow loading times are usually caused by a lack of resources on your server, or an issue with your website code. To fix this, make sure that you have enough allocated resources in your hosting plan to support the website. You should also check for any inefficient code that may be slowing down the loading times of your page.

5. Why can’t I see my WordPress theme?

This issue is usually caused by an error in your theme files, which could be due to a recent update or editing of the code. To fix this, try reinstalling the theme from the WordPress dashboard and then checking the code for any errors.

6. Why are some of my images not showing up?

If you’re having issues with images not loading, it’s likely that there is a problem with your file permissions or hosting settings. To fix this, check the file permissions on all of the images in the WordPress media library and make sure they are set correctly. You may also need to increase your hosting memory limit, as this can affect image loading times.

7. Why is my page layout messed up?

This issue is usually caused by an error in the code of your theme files or plugins. To fix this, check the code for any errors and then reinstall the theme or plugin.

8. Why are my posts not showing up in the blog?

If you’re having issues with posts not appearing in your blog, it could be due to an issue with your WordPress settings. To fix this, go to Settings > Reading and make sure that the “Blog pages show at most” setting is set correctly.

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