13 Online Marketing Ideas for 2022

The marketing world is constantly changing, and marketing strategies that work now may not be as effective in 2022. This blog post will explore 13 marketing ideas for 2022 to help you keep up with the latest trends!

Virtual & Augmented Reality:

As marketing strategies continue to evolve, the lines between virtual and augmented reality are blurring as more companies incorporate elements of both technologies into their marketing efforts. For example, some businesses have developed VR experiences that allow customers to “try on” new products before making a purchase – letting them test out clothing styles in real-time while being virtually transported into an environment where they can see themselves wearing what they’re trying on creates a unique experience for users which is difficult if not impossible with traditional marketing methods. With AR technology growing every day, there’s no telling how this could impact marketing over the next decade! Get started today by marketing your business on Google Maps!

Video Marketing:

Video marketing has become a key tool for companies of all sizes and industries because it increases customer engagement and boosts SEO rankings. A video on your homepage can convey more information about your company than text alone ever could. Therefore, if an interested user does some research before committing to purchasing from you, they’ll have a better understanding of what your business offers after watching a relevant video (such as product demonstrations or testimonials).

Voice Search:

Virtual assistants have been around since the mid-90s, but it wasn’t until July 2017 that Google began monetizing them by adding shopping functionality to their mobile app. The rapid growth in voice search over the last few years has led many analysts and marketing strategists alike to predict significant future growth as more users interact through vocal commands rather than text input.


The use of chatbots has exploded in recent years as they are a great way to automate customer service. A chatbot can help customers with common questions and problems, freeing up your team to focus on more complex issues. In addition, chatbots can be used to collect data about customer preferences and behavior which can then be used to improve marketing strategies.

Artificial Intelligence:

In the same vein as chatbots, artificial intelligence is becoming an increasingly important tool for marketing purposes. AI can help you analyze customer data to better understand their needs and wants, improving your ability to target them with relevant content or products. Additionally, AI-powered marketing tools can help you create more engaging content that will keep users coming back to your company’s website or social media platforms.

Maps Marketing:

Google Maps marketing is one of the most effective tools for local businesses because it allows companies to essentially create a free website. Local customers will be able to find you with ease, saving them time and improving their overall experience. Additionally, by marketing your business on Google Maps you’ll get better search engine rankings which means more customers via organic traffic! Need help getting started? Contact us at [email protected] .

Customer Experience Management:

Many marketing ideas focus on increasing sales through traditional methods such as paid advertising or product placement, but customer experience management (CEM) takes things in an entirely different direction. The goal of this strategy is not only to bring in new clients and customers but to retain and grow the loyalty of existing clients, effectively marketing your business across multiple channels while focusing on long term results rather than quick hits.

Many marketing ideas focus on increasing sales through traditional methods such as paid advertising or product placement, but customer experience management (CEM) takes things in an entirely different direction. The goal of this strategy is not only to bring in new clients and customers but to retain and grow the loyalty of existing clients, effectively marketing your business across multiple channels while focusing on long term results rather than quick hits.


Despite the increasing popularity of macro-influencers (those with over one million followers), micro-influencers (those with fewer than 100,000 followers) are often more effective when it comes to marketing products and services. They have a more engaged following and are seen as being more trustworthy by their fans. Additionally, because they have a smaller but more dedicated fanbase, micro-influencers are often more affordable marketing options.

Marketing Automation:

It is now possible to automate marketing tasks using marketing software that allows you to target customers based on their behavior or preferences, track how effective your marketing efforts are at converting leads into sales, and much more! Marketing automation saves businesses time and money because it reduces the amount of manual labor needed for marketing activities while simultaneously improving results.


With marketing automation it is now possible to personalize marketing messages for each individual customer, increasing the likelihood that they will respond positively. This involves gathering as much data about your customers as possible including their interests, demographics and purchase history in order to create a profile that can be used to target them with relevant marketing content.

Social Media Alternatives:

In the past, marketing ideas have been centered around social media marketing because of its affordability and effectiveness. However, many marketers are now looking to alternatives such as influencer marketing or email marketing for new innovative strategies that can be used on a variety of platforms with varying degrees of success depending on your goals. Email marketing is particularly effective at increasing sales because it gives businesses the opportunity to target their marketing messages based on past purchase history, customer feedback or other data that allows you to create highly personalized marketing emails.

On Demand Services:

The growth of on demand services such as Uber, Airbnb and Grubhub has led to a new type of marketing that focuses on the needs of the customer. This involves providing a service or product that is convenient, easy to use and meets the customer’s specific needs. Because this type of marketing is still in its infancy, marketing ideas based on the concept are still evolving. However, this type of marketing is expected to become increasingly popular in 2022 as more businesses realize its value and how effective it can be when done correctly.


People are inherently drawn to marketing ideas that tell a story because they provide valuable information in an entertaining format. Marketing stories can be told through live events, social media or marketing emails and allow customers to feel more connected to your business by providing them with the opportunity to learn about different aspects of your company’s history as well as its goals and values.

Telling marketing stories that customers find useful helps to promote trust and loyalty, which is essential for increasing sales.

In summary, marketing ideas in 2022 will continue to evolve as these changes occur within the marketing world. However, some aspects of marketing have been consistent over time such as the focus on customer satisfaction and long-term results rather than short-term marketing strategies.

2022 Marketing

As the marketing world continues to change, it’s important that you are always looking for new ways to stay ahead of trends. The 13 ideas we have provided in this post should help you start thinking about how your company can evolve with the digital landscape and continue producing results-driven campaigns. If any of these concepts sound interesting or if you would like us to redesign your website for 2022, please give our team a call! We are ready and waiting to bring your brand into 2022—and beyond!

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