15 Ways to Increase Website Traffic

When it comes to your business, website traffic is everything. This may be an obvious statement, but you would be surprised by how many businesses are not doing anything about their lack of web presence. If you are looking for some quick and easy ways to increase the amount of people who visit your website on a daily basis, this blog post is perfect for you! The following fifteen websites will help boost your internet presence in no time! And if that wasn’t enough, they will also teach you exactly what to do once someone has landed on your site.

So what are we waiting for? Let’s get started!

1) Optimize your website

After designing your website, it is critical that you optimize it properly for search engines. This means creating website content that people will want to read, and placing keywords in strategic places throughout your website to ensure that it gets picked up by search engines. Here is a great post on how to optimize your website :

2) Social Media

There are many social media website that can be used to bring website traffic. Make sure you have a profile setup on popular website like Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr and Pinterest. You should also consider creating accounts for your website on other social media website like Twitter and Reddit. Even website that are not typically used for business purposes can still be valuable sources of website traffic. For example, if your website sells cupcakes, you could also create a profile page on Imgur, a website known for hosting funny images!

3) Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization used to be all about keyword placement, but now the focus has shifted more towards website speed and website security . If you optimize your website’s internal linking structure, URL forwarding, website loading speed and website malware issues, then you will improve Google rankings over time.

4) Blogging

Blogs provide website owners with a lot of flexibility in regards to content publishing. If there is something that you would like everyone who visits your site to see, why not publish it as an article on your website’s blog? Blogs are also a great website traffic tool, because they can be used to promote website content that you would like people to see.

5) Email Marketing

Email marketing is a highly effective website traffic builder because it allows website owners to directly communicate with website visitors. For example, if you are new website selling women’s clothing, you could create an email list of all the new subscribers who sign up for your website’s mailing list. Then, on a regular basis (throughout the year), you could send them emails with discount codes for their next purchase! This will help bring more visitors back to your website and introduce them to your latest products and sales promotions.

6) Create Long-Term Content

Long-form website content tends to rank higher in search results. This means website visitors will be more likely to click on your website when they see it listed in the search engine results page. To take advantage of this website traffic tool, create long-form website content that is relevant to your website’s niche. Fortunately, several online tools are available to help you generate well-written website content!

7) Optimizing Images for Website Traffic

Images are an important part of many businesses’ websites, and website traffic can be increased by optimizing them properly . If you have high-quality images on your site that include appropriate keywords related to your business and industry, then people searching for information about what do might just find their way onto your website!

8) Interlinking

Interlinking website content will increase website traffic to your website, as well as improve website performance. This website traffic tool is also great for generating backlinks. If you create several pieces of website content on related topics, then interlink them and use the same keywords throughout the articles. The more often this keyword phrase appears on your website, the better it will rank in search engines like Google!

9) Link Building with Online Directories

Search engines tend to value links from online directories quite highly, so make sure to register your business’s website with as many online directories as possible . Some free online directories allow businesses to include a short description of their services or products, increasing the amount of website traffic you get from each website directory listing.

10) Guest Blogging on Relevant Websites

Guest blogging is a major way for companies to build brand awareness, drive targeted traffic to their site and gain backlinks (all of which help boost Google rankings). If you have something unique or interesting to say about your business or industry, then consider publishing content on other website that are relevant to website visitors. This website traffic tool is also a great way to get your website mentioned without having to pay for advertising!

11) Word of Mouth Marketing

Tell everyone you know about your business! Word of mouth marketing is still one of the best ways to generate website traffic through referrals or repeat customers. However, make sure website visitors can actually find your website by developing a website map. Use website directories to build website traffic from the internet, and make sure your website is optimized for search engines .

12) Web Design Services

If your website’s design is outdated or if it looks like someone threw it together in five minutes, then your website will not generate much website traffic! Well-designed websites tend to be more trustworthy and will usually outrank poorly designed domains in search engine results pages. It doesn’t matter how great of a product or service that you offer, no one will know about it if they cannot find your website.

13) Content Marketing

As you can probably guess by this point, content marketing is all about generating unique website content on topics related to your business niche. However, website content is only useful if website visitors actually see it. Use social media website to share website content on a regular basis – this website traffic tool is great for garnering website clicks!

14) Press Releases

Press releases are one of the best website traffic tools for driving targeted website referral traffic to your website. However, press releases only work when you actually use keywords in the text . If you cannot get people interested in writing about your business, then consider publishing an article on other websites (such as HubPages). Just make sure that you publish links back to your website within the article itself.

15) Pay-Per-Click Advertising

PPC website traffic works by allowing website visitors to click on website ads in order to visit your website. However, website traffic is expensive – you will be required to pay for website visitors even if they do not take any type of action once they are on your website. Therefore, it is important that you use PPC advertising wisely and only after you have done everything else possible to generate website traffic!

We Can Help

If you are not getting the traffic your business needs, it may be because of a lack of web presence. The good news is that we can help! We have helped many businesses in our industry grow and thrive by boosting their website rankings and increasing their online visibility. Let us partner with you to get more website traffic for your company today. Call us today (360) 450-3711.

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