19 Content Ideas to Improve Your Website This New Year

It’s that time of year again, where people are looking to make changes in their lives. Whether it be physical fitness, dieting, or web design, New Year resolutions are a great way to start the new year off with some good intentions. If you have been thinking about updating your website this year but don’t know where to start or what you need – this blog post is for you! We will discuss 11 content ideas that will help improve your web design efforts and give you more success on the web.

How can I increase my website content?

There are many things you can do to increase your website content.

Blog / News

One is adding a blog post section where you write weekly or monthly articles for your target audience. This is a great way to keep your website updated with fresh content and also show off your expertise in the industry.


Another option is to add video content. This can be done in addition to or instead of blog posts. You can create short videos (under five minutes) that introduce your company, talk about a new product or service, or explain how to use one of your products or services.


Images are also a great way to add content to your website. You can include images in your blog posts, on pages, and in your product and service descriptions. Be sure to choose high-quality images that are relevant to your topic and will capture the attention of your audience.


Another way to engage your audience is by adding polls to your website. Polls can be used to learn more about your audience, get feedback on products or services, and solicit opinions on various topics.


Lists are another great way to add content to your website. You can create lists of the best products or services in your industry, the top tips for doing something related to your business, or a list of the most interesting facts about your company or industry.


Adding a forum to your website is another way to increase content. Forums are great for generating discussion among users and getting feedback on products, services, web design, etc. This can also help you create more targeted traffic toward specific pages of your site because visitors will likely want to check out the most popular threads in addition to reading new content.


Infographics are another great way to add content to your website. They can be used to explain a process, showcase data, or tell a story. Infographics are engaging and visually appealing, so they are likely to capture the attention of your audience.


Podcasts are another great option for adding content to your website. They can be used to share industry news, interviews with experts, or case studies. Like videos, podcasts can be done in addition to or instead of blog posts.


Quizzes are a fun and engaging way to add content to your website. You can use quizzes to test your audience’s knowledge of your industry or products, survey them about their preferences, or get feedback on their experiences with your company.

Tools and Calculators

Tools and calculators are another great way to add content to your website. You can create tools that help your audience do their work faster or more easily, or calculators that help them figure out the best options for their needs.


Adding reviews on your website a great way to show off the positive feedback you have received from customers and prove that your business provides high-quality products or services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Another idea is creating an FAQ page that provides the answers to common questions asked by visitors at one location, rather than sending them through several different pages of information.

Newsletters or Email Service

Another option is to add a newsletter or email service. This can be used to share industry news, new products and services, or special offers with your audience.

Events / Calendar

Hosting events is a great way to generate web traffic and create buzz about your company. You can host webinars, live chats, or online summits.

Landing Pages

A landing page is a web page that has been designed for a specific purpose, such as getting visitors to sign up for a mailing list or buy a product or service. Creating several landing pages can help you increase conversions on your website.

New Products / Services

One way to increase web content is by adding a new product or service or expanding upon existing products/services. This can be done by creating a landing page that tells visitors about the new item, including images and detailed information on why they should buy it.

Special Offers / Discounts

An effective way of improving web content is sharing special offers with customers who visit your website – such as discounts if they sign up for emails or early bird specials if they purchase in advance. This can help increase web traffic and conversions on your website.

Articles by Influencers

Finally, one thing that helps bring attention back to your website are articles written by other influencers related either specifically to you business or just generally within the industry. For example, if you own an interior decorating company, it would make sense to reach out to a popular blogger who has done an article on DIY home décor. If you are a web design company, reach out to web designers who have been featured in popular online publications. This will help you gain credibility and followers from other sources as well.

Search Engine Optimization

Finally, you can improve your web content by making sure it is search engine optimized. Search engines are always crawling websites looking for new information to add to their index pages. Make sure the most important elements on each web page (title tags, meta descriptions/keywords) include your target keywords and make them short but descriptive.

Also, add links to web pages from other web pages within your website to improve its SEO. This will help the search engines understand the hierarchy of your website and how everything is connected.

By following these tips, you can improve web content on your website and bring in more visitors who are interested in what you have to offer. As always, be sure to test different methods to see what works best for you and your business.

Update Your Website

We hope you have found this blog post helpful and insightful. If your company is looking to update their website, we would love to help! In the meantime, feel free to take a look at our other resources on web design for more information. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Graticle!

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