19 Ways to Increase Your Website Rankings For SEO

The internet is an ever-changing place. It’s no surprise that search engine algorithms are always changing, too. If you want your website to rank high in the search engines, it’s important for you to keep up with these changes and optimize your site accordingly. With all of the information available on SEO today, it can be difficult to know where to start or what steps to take next. That’s why I’ve compiled 19 ways that will help you increase your rankings and improve the visibility of your site!

How can I improve my SEO in 2022?

There are many things you can do to improve your SEO in 2022. Here are a few of the most effective methods:

Page Speed

One of the most important factors for SEO is page speed. If your website is slow to load, you will lose rankings and traffic. Make sure to optimize your images and reduce the size of your pages.

Mobile Optimization

More people than ever are using mobile devices to access the internet. If your website isn’t optimized for mobile devices, you will lose traffic. Make sure to test your website on mobile devices and optimize any elements that are difficult to see or use.

Google Analytics

If you want to improve your SEO, you need to track your progress. Google Analytics is the best way to do this. It provides you with all of the data you need to see how well your website is performing and what changes you need to make.

Keyword Research

Another important factor in SEO is keyword research. You need to find keywords that are relevant to your niche and target them on your website. This will help you rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Keyword Research & Optimization

Choosing the right keywords can be difficult, but doing this is important because it helps you attract more visitors and improves your rankings in SERPs. The best way to choose keywords is by using keyword research tools which allow you convert traffic statistics into actionable data that will help you improve your rankings.

Content Marketing

Quality content is still one of the most important factors in SEO. You need to produce high-quality content that people will want to read and share. This will help improve your rankings and attract more visitors to your website.


Blogging is a great way to improve your content marketing / SEO. You can use your blog to produce high-quality content that will attract new visitors. It also helps you build a community around your website, which is great for SEO.

High Quality Content

One of the most important factors in SEO is high-quality content. You need to produce content that is interesting, informative, and relevant to your niche. This will help you attract more visitors and improve your rankings in search engine results pages.

Link Building / Backlinks

Another important factor in SEO is link building. The more links your website has, the higher you will rank on SERPs and this means that you will receive more traffic. You can either build backlinks yourself or hire somebody to do it for you.

Authority Sites & Social Signals

Building authority sites within your niche can help to improve your rankings over time as well because Google tends to value them highly when ranking websites in SERPs. This strategy takes a while so if you are planning on using it, make sure not to use an aggressive timetable otherwise you might risk being penalized by Google for too much linking activity. Another option here would be to invest in social signals which have been shown to influence website rankings in recent times.


Metadata is also important for SEO. You need to make sure that your metadata is properly optimized so that search engines can index your website correctly. This includes title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags.

SEO Tools

There are many different SEO tools available online which can help you improve your rankings. These tools allow you to track your rankings, assess the health of your website, and identify issues that are preventing you from ranking higher.

You can also use SEO tools to spy on your competitors so that you know what they are doing right or wrong. Then you can replicate their strategies if they have been successful for them, but remember not to go overboard because Google tends to penalize websites for spammy tactics.

Fix Broken Links

Broken links can affect your website in a number of ways, the most important being that they will not only hurt your rankings but also damage user experience and increase bounce rates which means less traffic to your site.

You should regularly check for broken links on all pages of your website by either manually or automatically checking them so that you can fix them as soon as possible.

Robots.txt File

The robots.txt file is another important factor in SEO. This file tells search engine robots which pages on your website they are allowed to index and which ones they are not. You need to make sure that the robots.tx file is properly optimized so that your website can be indexed correctly and that no important pages are missing from search results.

The robots.txt file is also useful for ensuring that your website and internal linking structure remain optimized in the future so you will need to update it regularly when making changes to your website.


A sitemap is also important for SEO. This file contains a list of all the pages on your website and it helps search engines index them correctly. You need to make sure that your sitemap is up-to-date and that it includes all of the pages on your website.

The best way to create a sitemap is by using a plugin or an online tool. You can then submit your sitemap to Google and Bing so that they know about it as well.

On-Page Optimization

Another important factor for SEO is on-page optimization. This includes optimizing your website title, meta descriptions, header tags, images and other elements that affect how your site ranks. You can use a variety of tools and plugins to help you with this process.

Google My Business

Google My Business is a local directory which allows you to add your business details so that Google can find them when potential customers search for them online. This also includes SEO because if your business data appears high in SERPs, this will improve your rankings over time.

Alt Tags

Alt tags are used to describe images on your site and should include keywords that are relevant to your niche. This will help improve your rankings in SERPs as well.

SEO Auditing

One final method for improving your SEO in 2022 would be to conduct an SEO audit of your website. This will help you identify any areas where you could make improvements and optimize your site accordingly. It can also help you track your progress over time and see the results of your efforts.

A Final Word On SEO In 2022…

There are many different things you can do to improve your website ranking and increase the amount of traffic you receive. Optimizing your site for SEO is a complicated process, but if you follow these methods then you will be on track to seeing an improvement in your website rankings by 2022.

If you’re interested in increasing your search engine rankings and visibility, we can help. We specialize in SEO strategy for businesses that want to be at the top of Google’s results pages. Contact us today and see how our team can work with you! (360) 450-3711

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