2 Design TIPS to Help Your Business on Facebook (with Examples)

With over 54 million Facebook pages online, standing out from the crowd is essential.

After designing many Facebook pages, I’d like to give you two tips to follow when designing your Facebook page.

#1) Featuring your Product / Service in your Timeline Image

Don’t insert a random stock photo of the beach, or a city skyline because it’s a nice photo.

Instead, feature your product or service that you offer. Show off your new product line, or even a current discount on a service that you’re offering.

bareMinerals - Facebook Page

A great example of featuring your product/service in your timeline image

bareMinerals does a great job showcasing their eye shadow and is also using a model to show how it looks when applied.

Showcase a product? Check.

Tegu - Facebook Page

Branded and showing off their products.

Tegu uses their logo as their profile image and features a new product line in their Timeline image.

Also, notice their logo is clearly readable in both large and small sizes.

Out of Print - Facebook Page

A subtle way of letting your customers know what it is you provide.

Out of Print’s timeline image allows their t-shirts to speak for themselves.

#2) Logo or Logo Mark in your Profile Image for Easy Recognition

Don’t upload a photo of your company picnic or a zoomed out photo of your product.

Your profile image will be used at a variety of sizes, so it needs to be readable and recognizable at just about any size.

TOMS - Facebook Page

Easy to read logo used in profile image.

TOMS does a great job using their logo as their profile image. Not to mention showcasing their shoes in their timeline image.

YouTube - Facebook Page

YouTube’s profile image is a perfect example of using a logo mark effectively.

YouTube uses their logo mark perfectly. It’s easy to recognize at both large and small sizes.

Skype - Facebook Page

Skype’s profile image couldn’t be any better.

Another great example of a company using their profile image effectively—this one from Skype.

Great Examples of Facebook Page Designs

Below are a list of stellar Facebook page designs (profile and timeline images).

Before scrolling, ask yourself: Could you see your Facebook page listed along with the examples below?

Fresh Brothers - Facebook Page

Enough to get you hungry. Well done, Fresh Brothers.

There’s no guessing what Fresh Brothers provide.

Old Spice - Facebook Page

Hat’s off to Old Spice.

No surprises here, Old Spice nails it.

It’s also important to note that Old Spice doesn’t necessarily show what it is that they do, but with their brand awareness they can bend the rules.

Skullcandy - Facebook Page

Skullcandy’s Facebook page covers all of the bases.

Skullcandy’s Facebook page is top notch.

Red Mango - Facebook Page

Timeline image featuring products: Check. Profile image featuring logo: Check.

Red Mango not only has a well designed Facebook page, they also add a creative flair that helps their page stand out from the crowd.

LSTN - Facebook Page

A perfectly executed Facebook page.

LSTN’s Facebook page features a very easy to read logo (look at it scaled down), and also a pair of their headphones with their offer / message.

Molly's Cupcakes - Facebook Page

Molly’s Cupcakes takes… the cake.

Molly’s Cupcakes is a great example for just about any local retail business.

Their logo is featured in their profile image and they have high quality photos of their cupcakes in their timeline image. Not only did they cover everything, but they also have a clear call to action, asking their customers to click “Order.” Flawless.

Let Us Help You

If you’re like the majority of our clients, you don’t quite have the tools or experience to follow these tips and create a Facebook Page that truly stands out.

More importantly: you don’t have the time, energy or passion.

Hire us today and we’ll create a truly unique and powerful Facebook page for your business. One that not only hits the design marks, but one that’s effective and inline with your marketing strategy.

Call me (Shawn) at (360) 450-3711 and I’ll take it from here.

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