It’s 2019 – Is Your Website Healthy?

I’m sorry.

People don’t care about you or your business.

They care about themselves and how their needs can be met.

Your website is slow and takes 20 seconds to load after each click?

You’re the only one that’s patient enough to wait. Meanwhile, we’ll be over at your competitors website.

Websites in 2019

A website in 2019 has many moving pieces.

Gone are the days of buying a domain name, hosting, putting up a few pages and kicking up your feet.

You can’t launch your website, cross your fingers and walk away. You can’t ignore it. Other people won’t. They’ll find it. And if they do, are they going to have a good impression of your business or a bad one?

Keeping Your Website Healthy

Today, we have many things that help a website stay in shape.

We still have domain names, hosting (with many options: shared, cloud, dedicated, etc.), content management systems (CMS), CMS updates, third-party plugin updates, SSL certificates, backup solutions, preventative security solutions and monitors, firewalls, blacklist/reputation checks, , DDos protection, malware/hack scanning, SEO rankings, content delivery networks (CDN), performance monitors, tracking, analytics, and don’t forget up-time monitors to make sure your website is online 24/7.

By the way, you’ll need someone actively managing the above to make sure your website is ready when a visitor on any number of devices, on a variety of network speeds, and in a hurry, visits your website.

If it’s not working correctly, the visitor will leave. It’s that simple. And no, they won’t be back.

One of the first things I do when researching a company I’m interested in doing business with is check their website.

  • Is the website snappy? Does each page load quickly with each click?
  • Is the design modern, easy-to-use, engaging?
  • Is it easy to find what I’m looking for?
  • Is it easy to take the next step?
  • Does it feel like they take their website seriously?

Take Your Website Seriously, Take Your Business Seriously.

Any business that takes their website seriously, bodes well.

A business that has a website that’s state-of-the-art 1999, does not.

To me, if your business isn’t taking its website seriously – where else are you not taking things seriously? Is your product/service going to solve my problem or create more problems for me because you like to overlook things?

A website says a lot about a business. In most cases, it says everything.

It’s the first place we go to research a business, and possibly the last.

Get Your Website Back in Shape

We actively manage our customer’s websites. From backup solutions, increased performance, usability, and integrated security systems.

If you want a worry-free website solution, fill out this quick form, or call/text us at (360) 450-3711 today.

Free Website Audit

Is your website at its best? Our free website audit will guide you through boosting performance and wowing your visitors.

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