2022 New Year Website Checklist

2022 is here and it’s time to start fresh. It’s time for website design refreshes, website updates, website maintenance, website optimizations and more. In this blog post we will cover a few of the most important items on your 2022 New Year Website Checklist as you prepare for the year ahead!

Perform website design refreshes

Review your website design and make changes as needed. Refresh your website colors, fonts, graphics and more to keep your website looking modern and fresh.

Update website content

Make sure all of your website’s content is up-to-date and accurate. Verify that all contact information, menus, product information and more is current and correct.

Perform website updates

Update your website’s software, plugins, scripts and more to ensure that your website is running the latest and greatest versions. This will help keep your website safe and secure.

Perform website maintenance

Regularly maintain your website by cleaning up old files, deleting unused data, optimizing your website’s performance and more. This will help keep your website running smoothly and looking great.

Optimize website for search engines

Make sure your website is optimized for search engines so that potential customers can easily find you online. Use keywords, meta data, descriptions and other techniques to help improve your website’s visibility.

Take website backups

Make regular website backups so that you can restore your website if anything ever goes wrong. Backups are a lifesaver and should be performed on a regular basis to help keep your website safe from website disasters.

Review website analytics

Review your website’s analytics or tracking software regularly to make sure that everything is working as expected, traffic sources are tracked correctly and more. This will help you identify any performance issues before they become major problems.

Perform website uptime checks

Make sure your website is constantly online by running website uptime checks on a regular basis. This will help you identify any potential website downtime issues before they become major problems.

Keep up with website security updates

Stay current with the latest website security software, plugins and other tools to keep your website safe from hackers, malware, viruses and more. It’s important that you are proactive about keeping your site secure so stay ahead of possible threats!

Make website usability changes

Stay up to date with website usability best practices and make any necessary website updates. This will help keep your website easy-to-use for both customers and search engines alike!

Contact website visitors in a timely manner

Be proactive about reaching out to your website visitors by responding quickly when they leave comments or request information from you. Make sure that all of your contact information is accurate so that prospects, leads and customers can easily get in touch with you online.

Optimize your website speed:

The website speed has a big impact on the website ranking. Google shows websites with better user experience and website responsiveness in search results, which ultimately affects website traffic and conversions (more sales). So it’s important to keep your website up-to-date if you want to stay competitive in 2022.

SEO factors that affect site performance:

Keywords density is one of the most important SEO factors for any given web page – so make sure they’re not left behind. Also check what international users think about your content by using a local IP tool from online tools section . It might be surprising! And finally, don’t forget to 301 redirect old pages or implement HSTS policy for website security.

Make website navigation changes

Stay up to date with the latest website navigation trends and make any necessary website updates. This will help keep website visitors interested and engaged as they interact with your website.

Update content:

Website content should be updated regularly to keep website visitors interested and engaged. This will also help improve website search engine rankings so it’s a win-win!

Update photography:

Keep website photography up to date by regularly updating your website’s images. This will help keep website visitors interested and engaged as they interact with your website.

Update videos:

Keep website videos up to date by regularly updating your website’s videos. This will help keep website visitors interested and engaged as they interact with your website.

Add new pages:

Add new pages to your website on a regular basis to help improve website search engine rankings and keep website visitors interested and engaged.

Make sure website is ADA compliant:

In 2022, website accessibility will be more important than ever. Make sure your website is fully ADA compliant so that all website visitors can easily interact with your website.

Check website for broken links:

Make sure to check website for broken links on a regular basis to keep website navigation running smoothly. This will also help improve website search engine rankings.

Add website reviews:

Add website reviews to your website on a regular basis. This will help improve website search engine rankings and keep website visitors interested and engaged as they interact with your website.

Update contact information:

Keep your website’s contact information up-to-date in order to help improve website search engine rankings, give prospects an easy way of contacting you, and increase conversions.

Add new blog posts:

Add new blog posts to your website on a regular basis. This will help improve website search engine rankings and keep website visitors interested and engaged as they interact with your website.

That’s it for our 2022 website checklist! We hope you found these tips helpful in keeping your website up-to-date. As always, if you have any questions or need help with website updates, don’t hesitate to reach out to us (360) 450-3711. Thanks for reading!

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