32 Tips and Tricks for Using WordPress in 2023

It’s hard to believe that WordPress will be celebrating its 19th birthday in 2023! In that time, it has become the most popular content management system on the web. A lot has changed since 2003, and WordPress has had to adapt to keep up. In this blog post, we will discuss 32 tips and tricks for using WordPress in 2023.

WordPress is still the most popular content management system (CMS) in use today. This means there are lots of tools and resources available to help you get the most out of WordPress. As such, it’s important to keep up with the latest trends and best practices when working with WordPress in 2023. Here are 32 tips and tricks for using WordPress effectively:

1) Get acquainted with the Gutenberg editor

The Gutenberg editor has revolutionized how developers and content creators create content in WordPress. Getting to know the editor’s features, features like adding blocks, customizing themes, and more will be essential for WordPress users in 2023.

2) Use mobile-friendly themes

Mobile usage is expected to be even higher in 2023 than it is today. Ensure that your WordPress website is mobile-friendly by using themes that are optimized for mobile devices.

3) Use a plugin to manage your website’s backups

Automating your website backups can save you a lot of time and effort. Use a plugin like Backup & Restore to make sure your websites are backed up regularly and safely.

4) Keep WordPress updated

WordPress updates are released regularly, bringing with them bug fixes, new features, and security enhancements. Make sure that you keep your WordPress installation up to date to avoid potential security risks.

5) Leverage the power of shortcodes

Shortcodes are a great way to add custom functionality or content to your pages and posts. Use them in 2023 for making simple contact forms, adding block quotes, displaying recent posts, and more.

6) Utilize caching plugins

Caching plugins can significantly improve the performance of your website by creating static versions of your webpages and serving them up to visitors. Use a caching plugin like W3 Total Cache in 2023 to make sure your website runs quickly and efficiently.

7) Take advantage of WordPress APIs

WordPress APIs provide users with access to lots of data and functionality. In 2023, you can use them for tasks like creating custom post types, displaying live data from external sources, and more.

8) Install a security plugin

Security plugins will help keep your website safe from hackers and spammers in 2023. Popular options include Wordfence Security, Jetpack Security, and Security Ninja.

9) Use REST API features

The REST API is a powerful tool that lets developers access WordPress data in an easy-to-use format. In 2023, you can use it to create custom applications or display dynamic content on your website.

10) Leverage CDNs for performance

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) are a great way to speed up your website in 2023. By serving your static content through a CDN, you can drastically improve the load times of your pages and posts.

11) Take advantage of WordPress’ multisite feature

The multisite feature allows users to create multiple websites from a single installation of WordPress. Use this feature in 2023 to manage different sites from one place or develop comprehensive web solutions.

12) Make use of Gutenberg blocks

The new WordPress editor, Gutenberg, comes with a variety of different blocks that can be used to create content quickly and easily. Familiarize yourself with these blocks in 2023 for the best results.

13) Utilize theme customizers

Theme customizers let you change the look and feel of your website in a few clicks. Utilize this feature in 2023 for easy design changes without having to dig into the code.

14) Use page builders

Page builders provide an intuitive way to create custom post types and pages without any coding knowledge. Popular options include Elementor, Divi Builder, and Beaver Builder. Use one in 2023 to build dynamic, attractive pages quickly and efficiently.

15) Consider using WordPress as an application framework

In 2023, you can use WordPress as a powerful application framework. With the right plugins and themes, it’s possible to create complex web applications with minimal effort.

17) Take advantage of social media integration

Social media integration is one of the key trends for 2023. With the right plugins, you can make sure your website seamlessly integrates with popular social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

18) Track your performance

Use analytics tools in 2023 to track how your website is performing. Popular options include Google Analytics and Jetpack Stats. This will help you identify areas for improvement and ensure that your site is running optimally.

19) Make use of debugging tools

WordPress debugging tools can help you diagnose any errors or issues you might be having with your website in 2023. Popular options include Query Monitor, Debug Bar, and Log Deprecated Notices.

20) Stay up-to-date

Make sure you keep your WordPress installations up-to-date in 2023. New versions of WordPress are released regularly, and they often contain important security patches and bug fixes. Keeping your site up-to-date will help ensure it runs smoothly and securely.

21) Optimize for search engines

Make sure you optimize your content in 2023 for the best search engine results. Include keywords in your titles, meta descriptions, and content. Additionally, use plugins like SEO Framework to make sure your website meets the latest search engine standards.

22) Integrate AI technologies

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly becoming popular in web development. In 2023, look for ways to integrate AI into your WordPress sites. Popular options include natural language processing, computer vision, and machine learning.

23) Make use of cloud services

Cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular in 2023, with more and more businesses making the switch from on-premise solutions. There are a variety of tools and services available for WordPress that make it easy to take advantage of cloud computing.

24) Implement security measures

Make sure you take the necessary steps to ensure your WordPress website is secure in 2023. This includes updating your plugins and themes, implementing proper backup procedures, and using strong passwords. Additionally, look for ways to protect against malicious attacks such as DDoS and brute force attacks.

25) Create a staging environment

A staging environment allows you to safely test and make changes to your website without affecting the live version. In 2023, set up a staging environment using tools like Local by Flywheel or Duplicator Pro for peace of mind when making changes.

26) Use analytics to inform decisions

Analytics tools can provide valuable insights into how users are interacting with your website. Use these insights in 2023 to make smarter decisions about content, design, and features. Popular options include Adobe Analytics and Hotjar.

27) Leverage the power of automation

Automation is becoming increasingly popular for WordPress websites in 2023. There are a variety of tools available that can help you automate mundane tasks and free up your time for more important activities. Popular options include WP-Cron, WP Remote, and AutomateWoo.

28) Take advantage of the mobile-first approach

Mobile devices are quickly becoming the dominant way that people access websites in 2023. Make sure your WordPress website is optimized for mobile, including fast loading speeds and a responsive design. Popular plugins like WPtouch can help you achieve this easily.

29) Stay on top of trends

Keep an eye on the latest web development trends in 2023 and make sure your WordPress website follows them. This will ensure that your site is up-to-date and at the forefront of technology. Popular trends include Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), voice search optimization, and Single Page Applications (SPAs).

30) Prioritize user experience

User experience should always be at the forefront of your website design in 2023. Make sure you consider how users will interact with your site and prioritize making it as smooth and intuitive as possible. Popular tools like Crazy Egg can give you valuable insights into how users are interacting with your site.

31) Have a plan for maintenance

Maintenance is an important part of having a WordPress website in 2023. Make sure you have a plan in place to handle regular tasks such as backups, security updates, and optimization. Additionally, be prepared to make changes quickly if needed.

32) Monitor site performance

Performance should always be monitored when using WordPress in 2023. Tools like WP Performance Profiler can help you identify potential problems and optimize for better performance. Additionally, make sure to test your site across all major browsers and devices.

Wrap Up

As you can see, there are a lot of great tips and tricks for using WordPress in 2023. If you need help implementing any of these tips or if you want someone to manage your WordPress site for you, contact us today. Our team of WordPress experts would be happy to help you get the most out of your website. Call or text us today (360) 450-3711

Who is Graticle?

Graticle is a team of WordPress experts and developers who specialize in creating custom websites, plugins, and themes for businesses. We offer our clients a wide range of services including content optimization, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising (PPC), hosting solutions, security audits, website maintenance, and more. Our goal is to help you get the most out of your website and create a successful online presence. We have been providing our services since 2009 and we believe in taking the time to understand our clients’ needs and crafting custom solutions to meet those needs. With Graticle, you can trust us to deliver high-quality websites that will take your business to the next level. Contact us today for more information. Call or text us (360) 450-3711

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best WordPress plugins for 2023?

Popular WordPress plugins in 2023 include Elementor, SEO Framework, Jetpack, WPForms and WooCommerce.

Is WordPress still a good option for web development in 2023?

Absolutely! WordPress is one of the most popular and versatile web development platforms in 2023. It offers a wide range of features that can be used by beginners and experts alike, making it an ideal choice for any website project.

How can I make my WordPress site more secure in 2023?

One of the best ways to make your WordPress website more secure is by using an SSL certificate, web application firewall, malware scanning, and DDoS protection. Additionally, it’s important to regularly update your plugins and themes, monitor for suspicious activity on your site, use two-factor authentication, and back up your site regularly.

How often should I backup my WordPress website in 2023?

We recommend backing up your WordPress website at least once per day. This will ensure that any changes you make won’t be lost in case of an emergency. Additionally, it’s important to store your backups offsite so they are not vulnerable to a cyber attack or ransomware.

Do I need to hire a WordPress developer for my website in 2023?

It depends on the scope of your project. Some WordPress users are able to manage their websites on their own, while others might need help from a professional WordPress developer. If you’re unsure of what you need, contact us today and we can discuss your project and determine the best solution for you. Call or text us (360) 450-3711.

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