7 Elements Every Business Website Footer Must Have

Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of something often overlooked: the website footer. Yeah, it’s that little section down there at the bottom of your webpage. Though it may be low on the page, its value is sky-high. From offering quick navigation options to legal protections, a good footer does a lot of heavy lifting. So, stick around, because we’re about to go through the seven elements you absolutely need to include in your business website footer.

1. Contact Information

We’re starting with the basics: contact information. It sounds like a no-brainer, but you’d be amazed at how many businesses make it an online scavenger hunt just to find an email address or phone number. Your footer is an ideal spot for this info. So what should you include?

  • Phone Number: Makes it easy for people to reach out.
  • Email Address: For those who prefer written communication.
  • Physical Address: Shows you’re legit and have a real base of operations.

2. Navigation Links

Imagine your website is a house. If the homepage is the front door, the footer is like the backdoor—it’s another entry point. This is where secondary navigation links come in handy. Key pages you might consider linking here include:

  • About Us: For folks keen to know more about who they’re dealing with.
  • Services: Direct them straight to what you can offer.
  • FAQs: Because sometimes people have questions, and you’ve got answers.

3. Social Icons

If your business is on social, make it easy for people to find and follow you. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn—whatever platforms you’re active on, link them in the footer. Just make sure you’re consistent with your branding.

4. Privacy Policy and Terms of Service

I know, it sounds boring as watching paint dry, but including these legal docs is non-negotiable. They’re not just for show; they protect you and your visitors. Plus, they can actually help your site’s SEO.

  • Privacy Policy: Explains how you handle user data.
  • Terms of Service: Lays out the ground rules of using your website.

5. Copyright Notice

Let’s talk about protecting your content. A copyright notice is like putting a mini security tag on your website. It’s a simple line of text, but it tells people that the content is yours and they can’t just grab it.

  • Format: Typically, it’s “Copyright © [Year] [Your Business Name]. All Rights Reserved.”

6. Calls-to-Action (CTA)

If the website is a conversation with your visitors, you don’t want to end it with an awkward silence. A well-placed Call-to-Action (CTA) in the footer can guide them toward the next step. This could be as simple as inviting them to check out your latest blog post or as direct as encouraging them to get a quote.

  • Types of CTAs: “Learn More,” “Get a Quote,” or “Start a Free Trial” are good examples.
  • Positioning: Make sure your CTA stands out but doesn’t clash with the overall design of the footer.

7. Newsletter Signup

Last but definitely not least, the footer is an excellent spot for a newsletter signup form. Now, before you go rolling your eyes thinking newsletters are old school, hear me out. Newsletters are a direct line to your audience that doesn’t depend on the whims of social algorithms.

  • Incentives: Consider offering a small perk like a discount or a useful ebook for signing up.
  • Design: Make it eye-catching but not too flashy. You don’t want it to look like a Vegas billboard.


Alright, there we have it: seven essential elements your business website footer should never be without. Think of your footer as the utility belt of your website—packed with tools and information that can help both you and your visitors.

  • Contact Info: Makes you reachable.
  • Navigation Links: Guides the visitor around your website.
  • Social Media Icons: Keeps the conversation going beyond the website.
  • Legal Docs: Covers you and educates your visitor.
  • Copyright Notice: Protects your content.
  • CTA: Encourages further interaction.
  • Newsletter Signup: Establishes a direct line to your audience.

So go on, give your footer a second look and make sure you’ve got all these elements covered. Trust me, your website will be better off for it.

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