7 Tips for New WordPress Users

WordPress is one of the best, if not the best, content management systems on the web. However, there are many people who still don’t know about it or how to use it. This blog post will provide you with 10 tips that will help get you started and make your WordPress experience more enjoyable!

WordPress is a powerful platform that can be used by anyone to build almost any type of website.

It’s an easy-to-use content management system with many features and addons available for download, but there are still some tips that new WordPress users should know in order to get the most out of their WordPress site.

WordPress is very straight-forward once you learn the basics, so I’ve compiled a list of wordpress tips for new wordpress users to help them understand how WordPress works and what they can do with it.

Here are ten WordPress tips that every new wordpess user should know:

1) Backup your WordPress site.

Not only should you backup the WordPress database, but it’s also a good idea to download all of your WordPress files so you have them in case something happens and they get deleted or corrupted.

If this does happen, just upload them back on top of what is currently there and everything will be restored.

Backups are especially critical if you have a lot of images and other media files being hosted with your wordpess site because they can take up a ton of storage space. You definitely don’t want to lose all of those valuable files.

2) How WordPress works.

WordPress is a very powerful website platform, but it’s also fairly simple.

When you log in to WordPress and get the Dashboard page up, all of these things are happening:

– The WordPress software is checking for any updates (plugins/themes/core). If there are updates available, WordPress will tell you and ask if you want to update.

– WordPress is also checking for any comments that were left on your site while it was offline, then WordPress will show the same text in a comment box below each post or page so that people can reply.

– WordPress is also checking for any tasks that need to be done, like backup reminders or email notifications about pending posts.

– WordPress is also checking to see if you’ve scheduled any posts in the future so they will show up on your live site at certain dates/times, or when they are supposed to publish based on post type (ie: pings).

3) WordPress best practices.

– Use descriptive titles and meta descriptions for your WordPress posts/pages to help with SEO (search engine optimization).

– Only post unique content on wordpess, don’t just edit the same text over again because Google sees that as spammy. Unique content is very important in blog posting so you should create new WordPress posts for new content.

– Don’t use the word “admin” as a username if you can help it, because that’s an easy word to guess and hackers often try common usernames like this in order to get into your WordPress site.

– Try not to have too many plugins or themes active on your WordPress site. Some WordPress users have a lot of plugins active when they are trying them out, but it’s best to safely deactivate the ones you’re not using in order to avoid any potential problems with security or performance issues.

– Use strong passwords that contain at least one capital letter and punctuation mark (ex: ! @ # $%)

– If your WordPress site is hacked, you’ll want to quickly remove the malicious files and folders that are added by hackers.

If this happens, just use a FTP client to connect to WordPress and delete those files right away so they don’t run amok on your live site.

– Don’t use WordPress as a backup service, WordPress is not meant to be used for backing up your files.

– When you first install WordPress on your domain name, it’s best to use the default WordPress theme that comes with WordPress because they are already optimized and work well with all of the WordPress features. If you want to use WordPress as a blog, don’t install the WordPress theme that is for your company or personal website because then WordPress will act more like an online resume.

– If you’re not sure what something on WordPress does, just google it and see if there are any tutorials available. There’s also tons of WordPress tips and tricks all over the internet so you don’t have to figure everything out on your own.

4) WordPress security tips.

– WordPress can be safe, but like any website platform it can be hacked if you don’t follow best practices or use common sense.

– WordPress has a lot of security features built into it, so most wordpress hacks can be prevented by just activating those built in wordpress safety measures like forcing people to input CAPTCHA words when they try and comment or login to WordPress .

– WordPress also has a “honey pot” feature which will trick hackers into thinking wordpess is using an old version of WordPress , but it’s actually just trapping them in a sort of WordPress security limbo.

– If your WordPress site does get hacked or you think someone may have gotten access to your login information, then you should change your WordPress password immediately.

– You can also use a WordPress security plugin like “Limit Login Attempts” which will lock someone out of WordPress if they try and login too many times in one day with the wrong username/password combination, or WordPress plugins like Sucuri Security that help protect against WordPress malware and blacklist WordPress users.

– If you’re not sure what something on WordPress does, just google it and see if there are any tutorials available. There’s also tons of WordPress tips and tricks all over the internet so you don’t have to figure everything out on your own.

5) WordPress performance tips.

– WordPress is a lot faster than WordPress , so it’s best to use WordPress as a blog platform instead of WordPress because if you have too many plugins active on your WordPress site then it can slow down page load times and cut into your web hosting bandwidth allowance.

– If WordPress is loading slowly, you can always try to install WordPress caching plugins like WPRocket.

These WordPress caching plugins help speed up your WordPress site by creating cached copies of WordPress pages and objects.

– You can also use a CDN like MaxCDN to boost performance on WordPress sites, the only downside is that you’ll have to pay for it if you want really fast load times.

6) WordPress SEO tips.

– If people are having problems finding your WordPress site, you should go to WordPress and optimize your title tags because those are what WordPress uses to rank WordPress sites.

– You should also make sure that the first 100 words of your WordPress posts (meta description) contain a keyword people might be searching for so they’ll find it easier on search engines like google.

– If you’re not sure what something on WordPress does, just google it and see if there are any tutorials available. There’s also tons of WordPress tips and tricks all over the internet so you don’t have to figure everything out on your own.

– You can install a WordPress plugin like Yoast’s WordPress SEO plugin to help you with WordPress optimization.

– If you’re not sure what WordPress SEO is, then one of the best WordPress tips for new WordPress users is to go through WordPress ‘ online WordPress tutorials section.

– You can also learn about WordPress optimization by reading up on it on other websites like Moz or Search Engine Watch.

7) WordPress.com vs WordPress.org

When you’re first getting started, it’s easy to get confused about the difference between wordpress.com and wordpress.org — especially if you ask around in a Facebook group or Quora thread for advice on which one to use! Let me clear up any confusion: wordpress.com is hosted by wordpress.com, wordpress.org is self-hosted (you have to buy your own domain and hosting package).

Back to you

WordPress is a powerful tool that allows you to create and manage your own website. It has many benefits, but it’s not always easy for beginners to get started with it. We hope these 7 tips will help make the WordPress experience more enjoyable for you! If you have any questions about our blog post or need help with your WordPress website, please feel free contact us at (360) 450-3711! 

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