Better Web Design: 26 Changes to Consider When Upgrading Your Website

Do you want to generate more website visitors and increase your website conversion rates? If so, then there are a few changes that you should consider making to your website. The first change is upgrading the design of your website. This will help improve the user experience and make it easier for people to find what they’re looking for on your website. Another important thing you can do is update old content with new information or images. By doing this, you’ll be able to provide fresh, updated content that keeps people coming back!

When you update your website what should you consider?

Making improvements on your website design can have a significant impact in improving its effectiveness. Here are 26 upgrades you should make:

Provide A Clear Call To Action

What is the purpose of your website? If you aren’t sure, website visitors won’t be able to tell either. Make sure there is a clear call to action on every page so that website visitors know what they should do next. This could include signing up for an email list, downloading a white paper, or making a purchase.

– Don’t make website visitors guess what you want them to do. Make it easy for them by providing clear and concise calls to action on every page of your website.

Include Testimonials from Customers

If customers like using your website or if they like doing business with your company, ask them for a testimonial. This can help convince other website visitors to do business with you. Alternatively, you can include a case study of your website in action.

– Case studies are extremely valuable to website visitors because they provide real life examples that prove how effective website design is for companies like yours.

Update Your Graphics

One of the first things people will notice when they visit your website is the graphics. If they are outdated or poorly designed, it can give visitors a bad impression of your company. Make sure to update all of your graphics (and formats), including your logo, website banner, and other images throughout your website.

– When you update your graphics, make sure they are high quality and match the overall tone of your website.

Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

With more and more people using their smartphones and tablets to access the internet, it’s important that your website is mobile-friendly. If it’s not, you could be losing potential customers who can’t easily view your website on their devices.

– Make sure website visitors can easily interact with your website. If you sell products or services, make sure people can purchase them without having to take extra steps.

Update Your Content

If your website hasn’t been updated in a while, it may be out of date and no longer relevant. Make sure to update your website content regularly to keep visitors coming back for more. This includes updating website articles, blog posts, and other website content.

– Your website should be updated at least once per month to keep it fresh and relevant for your visitors. You can also update more often if there are new products or services you want to promote on your website.

Optimize Every Page For Search Engines

If search engines can’t find your website, it won’t show up in search results. Make sure to optimize every page of your website for search engines so that more people can find you online.

– One way to do this is by using the right keywords throughout your website content. Another way is by creating a sitemap and submitting it to search engines.

Install Analytics Software

If you want to track how people are using your website, you need to install analytics software. This will help you gather important data about website visitors, including what pages they visit and how long they stay on your website.

– Use the data collected by analytics software to make improvements to your website design and website content.

Improve Your Navigation

Your website navigation is important because it helps visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily. Make sure your website navigation is easy to use and understand so that visitors can find what they are looking for as quickly as possible.

– Your website navigation should be simple and intuitive. It shouldn’t require visitors to take extra steps or click on too many website links before they get where they need to go.

Improve Your Website’s Efficiency

Your website needs to be efficient because visitors won’t want to spend a lot of time waiting for pages to load or trying figuring out how the website works. Make sure your website loads quickly and runs smoothly to keep visitors coming back for more.

– You can improve website efficiency by optimizing website images and reducing the number of website plugins you use.

Create a Strong Brand Identity

Your website should reflect your company’s brand identity. This means that your website design, graphics, colors, and overall tone should be consistent with how your company wants to be perceived by potential customers.

– Make sure website visitors can easily identify your company by using the same colors, fonts, and website layout throughout your website.

Don’t Forget to Include Key Information

Your website should include all of the important information that potential customers might need when they visit your site. This includes things like hours of operation, contact information, location details, and other website content.

– Make sure website visitors can easily find your company’s contact information, hours of operation, location details, and more on every page of your website.

Keep it Simple and Informative

Your website should be easy to navigate with a clean design that clearly communicates the kind of services or products you offer. Keep website visitors interested with informative website content that is easy to understand.

– Keep your website design simple and clean, but make sure it doesn’t look outdated or unprofessional. Your website should also be mobile friendly so people can visit you on the go!

Be Consistent With Design Elements

Your website needs to have a cohesive design that is consistent throughout all of its pages. This means using the same fonts, colors, and website layout on every page.

– Be sure to use a style guide to help you maintain a consistent design for your website.

Test Your Website’s Functionality

Before launching your website, be sure to test it for functionality. This includes website speed, website navigation, website design issues, website plugins that might cause problems with your website later on, and more.

– Test all of the functions of your website before launching it to make sure everything works correctly!

Take Feedback From Your Customers

When you let customers review or test out a new version of your website ahead time, you can gain valuable website design feedback to make sure your website is as good as it possibly can be.

– Take website visitors’ website design suggestions seriously and act on any advice you receive to create the best website possible!

Make Sure Your Website is Secure

If your website isn’t secure, visitors may be hesitant to submit their personal information or make a purchase. Make sure that your website is safe and secure by using the latest security protocols.

Update Your Company Information

Make sure your website includes the most up-to-date information about your company. This can include a description of what you do, where you are located, and how people can contact you.

Include Photos and Videos

Adding photos and videos to your website can help make it more interesting and engaging. It can also help illustrate what you do or how your products and services work.

– Photos and videos can be a great way to show website visitors what your company is all about.

Make Sure Your website is Well-Organized

A website that is well-organized will appear professional and be easier to use. Make sure your website is neatly organized with an easy-to-use layout.

– It is also important to include website navigational menus so people can easily find what they are looking for.

Provide FAQs and Useful Resources on Your Website

Most website visitors want information quickly, which means that you need to make it easy for them to get the information they need. This includes providing an FAQ page with useful resources about your website and your company.

– FAQs can answer common questions that website visitors may have, while resources can provide helpful information about your products and services.

Make it Easy for Customers to Contact You

One of the most important things you can do on your website is make it easy for customers to contact you. This includes providing multiple ways for website visitors to contact you, including a website form.

– Make sure your website also tells website visitors what hours you are available and how soon they can expect a response from someone at your company.

Use Appropriate Colors

The colors you choose for your website can have a big impact on how it looks and how people react to it. Choose colors that are appropriate for your brand and that will appeal to your target audience.

– Colors can influence website visitors’ moods and emotions, so it is important to choose the right ones.

Include a Blog

Adding a blog to your website can be a great way to keep website visitors engaged. It can also help you publish website content on a regular basis without having to go through the trouble of creating new pages all the time.

– A blog can provide website visitors with fresh, new content on a regular basis without having to create entirely new pages.

Make Your Website Interactive

Adding interactive components like polls and surveys, quizzes and games, or discussion forums to your website can make it more interesting for visitors and help them feel like they are part of the website.

– These components can help website visitors become more engaged with your website and improve their overall experience.

Add a Newsletter Sign-Up Form

Adding a newsletter sign-up form to your website can be a great way to increase your email list and keep website visitors updated on the latest news, products, and services.

– A newsletter sign-up form can help website visitors stay up-to-date on the latest news, products, and services from your company.

Make Sure Your website is Well-Designed

A well-designed website will look professional and be easy to use. Make sure your website is attractively designed and easy to navigate.

– A website that is well designed will appear professional and be easier to use.

Upgrade Your Web Design

As you can see, there are a quite a few changes to your website that will help generate more visitors and increase sales. If you need assistance in upgrading or updating your site, give us a call! We offer web design services for businesses of all sizes. Our team is always available to answer any questions so don’t hesitate to contact us today with any questions about our services!

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