Common Mistakes Local Businesses Make With Their Websites

If you’re a local business, it’s important to make sure your website is effective and represents your company well. Unfortunately, many businesses make common mistakes that can hurt their website’s effectiveness. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common mistakes local businesses make with their websites. We’ll also provide tips on how to avoid these mistakes and create a website that brings in more customers!

Drab Content:

One of the most common mistakes businesses make is having website content that is dull and uninteresting. potential customers will quickly lose interest if your website’s content is not engaging. Make sure to write website copy that is interesting and informative, and includes keywords that people are likely to search for when they’re looking for a business like yours.

No Reviews / Testimonials:

Another mistake businesses make is not including any reviews or testimonials on their website. potential customers want to see that other people have had positive experiences with your business. If you don’t have any reviews or testimonials on your website, add some as soon as possible!

Bad Photography

The photos on your website should be high-quality and professional. If the photos on your website are low-quality or look unprofessional, potential customers will get the impression that your business is not very reputable. Invest in some good quality photographs, or hire a professional photographer to take some shots of your business.

Responsive Design

One common mistake local businesses make is not having a website that is responsive. This means that their website does not adjust to different screen sizes, making it difficult for potential customers to view the website on their mobile devices. As more and more people use their mobile phones and tablets to browse the internet, it’s important to have a website that looks good on all devices. Otherwise, you could be losing out on a lot of potential business.

Calls to Action

Another mistake businesses make is not including calls to action on their website. A call to action is a statement or button that encourages the reader to take some kind of action, such as subscribing to your email list or making a purchase. Without a call to action, website visitors may not know what to do next or how to contact you. This can result in lost opportunities for business.

Unclear Call-to-Actions

Your websit’se call-to-action should be clear and easy to understand. Potential customers should be able to quickly see what they need to do in order to take advantage of your offer. If your call-to-action is confusing or buried on your website, you’re likely losing out on business.

No SSL Certificate

If you’re not familiar with SSL certificates, they are what allow website visitors to see that your website is secure. When a website has an SSL certificate, the URL will start with “HTTPS” instead of “HTTPS.” Many website visitors will not purchase from a website that does not have an SSL certificate, as they are concerned about the security of their personal information. If you’re not sure if your website has an SSL certificate, contact your web hosting provider.

Slow Hosting

Your website’s hosting provider plays a big role in how fast your website loads. If you’re website is hosted on a slow server, it will take longer for pages to load, which can frustrate potential customers. Make sure to do some research and choose a web hosting provider that offers fast loading times.

Not Having a Blog

A website without a blog is like a car without wheels. A blog is an essential part of any website, and can help you attract new customers and keep your existing customers engaged. If you’re not sure how to start a blog, there are plenty of resources available online. Just make sure to get started soon so you can start reaping the benefits!

Design and Navigation

Another common mistake is having a website that is difficult to navigate. Potential customers should be able to easily find the information they’re looking for on your website. If your website is hard to navigate, people will likely give up and go to a competitor’s website. Make sure your website is designed with the user in mind, and include clear navigation so that people can find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.

Contact Information

Finally, another mistake businesses make is not including their contact information on their website. It’s important to include your contact information prominently on your website so that potential customers can easily get in touch with you. Make sure to include your phone number, email address, and physical address (if applicable).

Clunky Design

Another website design mistake is having a website that looks outdated or “clunky.” In today’s competitive market, it’s important to have a website that looks modern and professional. If your website looks like it was created a decade ago, potential customers may not take you seriously. Invest in a good website design that will make your business look its best.


Many businesses make the mistake of not branding their website. Your website is a powerful marketing tool, and it should reflect your company’s brand. Make sure your website includes your logo, colors, and other elements that reflect your brand identity.

No Organizational Structure

our website should be organized in a way that makes sense for your business and your customers. Otherwise, it can be difficult for people to find the information they’re looking for. Make sure to organize your website content in a logical way and include clear titles and headings so that

SEO: Not a website design element, but still important!

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of optimizing your website so that it appears higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This is important because people are more likely to click on websites that appear at the top of the SERP. There are many factors that go into SEO, but some common things you can do to optimize your website include adding keyword-rich content, optimizing your website’s title and meta tags, and creating backlinks.

A mistake some businesses make is not paying attention to their website’s SEO. This can result in a website that is difficult for potential customers to find. If you want people to find your website, it’s important to invest in good SEO.

Like they say, if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Similarly, if you have a website but no one can find it, does it really exist?

Lack of Local SEO:

This is the process of optimizing your website for people in your area who are searching for businesses like yours. If you’re not using local SEO, you could be missing out on a lot of potential customers.

There are many factors that go into local SEO, but some common things you can do to optimize your website include adding your city and state to your website’s title and meta tags, adding local keywords to your website’s content, and creating backlinks from local websites.

Final Thoughts

All in all, having an effective website is crucial for any local business. If you’re making any of the mistakes we discussed in this blog post, it’s time to fix them! Luckily, our team at Graticle can help you do just that. We have years of experience crafting effective websites for businesses like yours and know what works best when it comes to attracting more customers online. Ready to get started? Contact us today and let us show you how a great website can help your business thrive! Call (360) 450-3711

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