Coronavirus Flyer Design

One of our long-time customers in Clean Image Services, Inc. asked us to design a Coronavirus (COVID-19) flyer. They wanted a flyer to communicate with their customers their sanitization services.

This is a great example of adapting to current circumstances. They happen to be an essential business in Washington State, and they are also a cleaning service. Who better to hire to clean up a commercial or residential building than them?

Sure, they could have assumed that the world understood they could handle a virus cleanup. But, why sit back and hope everyone knows that? Instead, they are playing offense and making sure that everyone knows that they are the company to call if you need a contaminated area cleaned up. And not only that, but they are working according to the CDC guidelines. How do you think their people feel after reading that? Guess who they’ll be calling if they need their services? They won’t need to call around or Google. They’ll call Clean Image Services first.

In the flyer, they talk about how their sanitization services work. They dive into the various services that they can offer and also when they are available to work. After you’re finished reading the flyer, there’s not a whole lot you don’t understand about how they can help you. There is also a photo showing people in cleaning outfits, showing how seriously they are taking this.

At the very end of the flyer is of course, a call to action. They are asking the reader to contact their business by phone or online to request pricing and availability. I know, I’m always harping on calls to action, but they are critical. On the flyer, they could have simply put a phone number and website address nice and small next to the logo, but that wouldn’t be effective. The entire flyer would come across as informational or even educational. It does have traces of both, but it’s a marketing/sales piece. Its primary goal is to get the phone to ring, so they can help people. That’s it.

This is also the same company that asked us to update their website with a COVID-19 update from their president. They asked for this early on, too.

On their website, they let their visitors understand that they are not only open, but are equipped to clean your home or business by the CDC protocols. Again, no one forced them to do this. They could have been passive and hope their visitors/customers knew this, but they’ve made sure they did with this update.

Coronavirus popup notice on a website

The lesson to learn here is that you have to adapt to changing circumstances. You can’t sit on your hands and sulk. This is what business (and life) is all about. Everything is always changing. Try keeping up in the web design industry, it’s enough to make your head spin. It’s good for us to constantly change and adapt.

How are you adapting in your business? Are you staying course or trying new, creative avenues?

Need a Coronavirus Flyer Designed and Printed?

We can design the flyer for you, and also print and ship it to your doorstep. Completely contactless. We’ve been in business since 2009 and for the majority of our customers we work remotely.

Call or Text Us Today (360) 450-3711 or Request a Quote.

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