Coronavirus Web Design

Coronavirus banner notice at the top of a website

Crazy times we are living!

We’ve all been impacted in one way or another from COVID-19. Whether forced to shut down, send the workforce home, lay off employees, or limit offering. We’re all affected.

First, I do want to share a positive message with you all.

One of our customers has a restaurant. As we all know, these were one of the first businesses to become impacted. They had to immediately close their doors and only offer pickup or to go orders. The owner of this restaurant had a surprising attitude. He never skipped a beat. He’s been concerned, of course, but he hasn’t let that stop him in his business from moving forward. One of the first things I heard him say was that something positive has to come from this. Sure, he could have wept in his sorrows and blame the world for what is happened to his business, but he looked at it differently. They have since started serving their customers in unique ways and their customers continue to rally behind them.

Now what does all of this have to do with your website and web design?

Coronavirus Website Popup

Right now, your customers need to know where your business stands. Are you closed? Do you have limited services? Or, are you essential, and its business as usual?

Coronavirus popup notice on a website

One of the biggest lessons that I have learned in business, is communication. Without it, it’s very difficult to not only run a business, but also have a business that sticks around for any significant amount of time.

Something we’ve been helping a lot of our customers with, are notifications on their website explaining how COVID-19 has impacted their business and their offering to their customers.

If you believe that your customers are very concerned about how the viruses impacted your business, you might want to have a notice that you can’t miss. Something like below:

Covid-19 announcement popup on a website

You can also be less direct, but still can inform your customers. As you’ll see in the example below, a banner at the top of your website can be a good idea. Letting your customers know a little, with the option to click and learn more. They can also choose to close it if they’ve already read it or not interested.

Coronavirus notice on a websites design

The majority of our customers who implemented the notices above, didn’t have this feature in place prior. All of their websites are built on WordPress, which allows them to manage the content on their website. Now, they have this banner/popup ability to use in the future. It doesn’t have to be only used for the Coronavirus pandemic. It can be used for sales, marketing, news, or any other creative way in the future.

Parting Advice

Also, since you’re most likely going to have some downtime, it’s a good idea to look new look at your website. Click around and read through your content. Make sure everything looks and functions as it should. Fill out your contact form, check your contact information, and again, make sure everything is as it should be.

Another good exercise is to Google your company name. See what results pop up. You may find search results that you’re not especially excited about. You may have out of date listings, or random negative reviews—you never know. I recommend going through at least 10 pages of search results.

Lastly, stay positive. If you keep the news on long enough, the world is always ending. Turn it off. Pick up a book you’ve been putting off. Read something educational or inspiring. Learn a new skill. Make yourself and your business more valuable than before this virus hit. That way when everything gets back to normal, you and your business are better suited to tackle the world.

Oh, yeah. I don’t believe there’s ever been a better excuse to spend time with your family than right now.

Stay safe!

Need Coronavirus Notice On Your Website?

Call or text us (360)450-3711 and we’ll add a notice and/or popup to your website.

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