How to Create a Strong Password for WordPress

When moving as fast as we do in this world, it can be tempting to enter in your password you’ve used for years and be on your way. The path of least resistance.

The problem with the method above may not be as apparent as you think. Sure, someone figured out my famous password and they get into my Netflix account, so what? Well, when someone does this, they know more than likely, you also use that same password on other websites, like your bank, Amazon, iCloud, or even, your business website. They’ll go through each, one-by-one, trying to get lucky. And if you’ve been using the same password on all those services, you’re bound to have a bad day in front of you.

Specifically, for your WordPress website, it’s a sure way to lose your investment or be placed in an unfortunate situation (your website is a now a gambling or adult website for all of your customers to see). On a side note, be sure you always have a backup system like this for your WordPress website so you can at least “undo” what happens.

If you want to see a list of passwords you should never use, consult this list.

Below is a list of password generators to help you create secure passwords:

  1. LastPass Password Generator
  2. Norton’s Identity Safe Password Generator
  3. Passwords Generator
  4. Generate Password

I know, the biggest pain isn’t coming up with a strong password, but a password you’ll remember.

For that, I recommend using a password manager like LastPass. Not only will it help you generate secure passwords, but it will also securely keep track of your passwords.

Of course, no system is full-proof or guaranteed. Use at your own discretion ?

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