Everything You Need to Know About Website Hosting

Website hosting is a confusing topic for many website owners. There are a variety of website hosting options, and it can be difficult to determine which option is best for your website. In this blog post, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about website hosting. By the end of this post, you should have a better understanding of the different types of website hosting and which option is best for your website.

But first, what is hosting?

In simple terms, website hosting is a service that allows you to publish your website on the internet. Your website is stored on a server, and when someone wants to view your website, they simply type your website’s address into their browser. The hosting company provides the server and ensures that your website is available 24/7.

Hosting companies usually offer a variety of website hosting plans, and it’s important to choose the right plan for your website. If you have a small website with limited traffic, you’ll need a different type of hosting than a large website that receives a lot of traffic.

What’s a domain name?

A domain name is your website’s address on the internet. For example, Google’s domain name is google.com. Your website will need a domain name in order to be hosted on the internet. You can purchase a domain name from a variety of companies, and many website hosting companies will include a free domain name when you sign up for their website hosting plans.

Let’s take a closer look at the different types of website hosting:

Shared Hosting:

Shared hosting is the most popular type of website hosting. With shared hosting, your website shares a server with other websites. There could be thousands of websites on a single server, and each website pays a small monthly fee to the hosting company.

Shared hosting is a good option for small websites with limited traffic. However, it’s important to note that your website will be affected by the other websites on the shared server. If one of the other websites on the server receives a lot of traffic, your website may load slowly.


  • Low cost: Shared hosting is the most affordable type of website hosting.
  • Easy to set up: Shared hosting is easy to set up and doesn’t require any technical knowledge.


  • Limited resources: Since your website shares a server with other websites, you’ll have limited resources. This can cause your website to load slowly or crash if another website on the server receives a lot of traffic.
  • Less control: With shared hosting, you have less control over your website and will need to rely on the hosting company to manage your website.

VPS Hosting

VPS hosting is a type of website hosting that gives you more control over your website. With VPS hosting, your website is stored on a server with other websites, but you have your own virtual server. This means you’ll have more resources and won’t be affected by the traffic of other websites on the same server.

VPS hosting is a good option for website owners who are looking for more control over their website. However, it’s important to note that VPS hosting is more expensive than shared hosting.


  • More resources: With VPS hosting, you have your own virtual server, so you’ll have more resources. This can help your website load faster and prevent crashes.
  • More control: With VPS hosting, you have more control over your website and can install custom software.


  • More expensive: VPS hosting is more expensive than shared hosting.

Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated hosting is a type of website hosting that gives you your own server. This means you won’t have to share your server with other websites, and you’ll have more resources.

Dedicated hosting is the most expensive type of website hosting. It’s a good option for large websites that receive a lot of traffic. However, it’s important to note that dedicated hosting requires a lot of technical knowledge.


  • More resources: With dedicated hosting, you have your own server, so you’ll have more resources. This can help your website load faster and prevent crashes.
  • No sharing: With dedicated hosting, you won’t have to share your server with other websites.


  • Expensive: Dedicated hosting is the most expensive type of website hosting.
  • Technical knowledge required: Dedicated hosting requires a lot of technical knowledge. If you’re not comfortable with managing a server, you’ll need to hire someone to manage it for you.

Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is a type of website hosting that uses a network of servers to store your website. With cloud hosting, your website can be stored on multiple servers. This can help your website load faster and prevent crashes.


  • Faster loading times: With cloud hosting, your website can be stored on multiple servers. This can help your website load faster.
  • Prevent crashes: With cloud hosting, your website can be stored on multiple servers. This can help prevent crashes.


  • More expensive: Cloud hosting is more expensive than shared hosting.
  • Requires technical knowledge: Cloud hosting requires a lot of technical knowledge. If you’re not comfortable with managing a server, you’ll need to hire someone to manage it for you.

WordPress Hosting

WordPress hosting is a type of website hosting that is designed for WordPress websites. WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that helps you create and manage your website. With WordPress hosting, you’ll get access to features that are designed for WordPress websites.


  • Designed for WordPress: WordPress hosting is designed for WordPress websites. This means you’ll get access to features that are designed for WordPress websites.
  • Access to WordPress features: With WordPress hosting, you’ll get access to features that are designed for WordPress websites. This can help you create and manage your website.


  • More expensive: WordPress hosting is more expensive than shared hosting.
  • Requires technical knowledge: WordPress hosting requires a lot of technical knowledge. If you’re not comfortable with managing a server, you’ll need to hire someone to manage it for you.

Website hosting features:

When it comes to selecting a website hosting company, it’s important to consider the features they offer. Here are some important website hosting features to look for:

Uptime: Uptime is the amount of time that your website is available and accessible. You want to choose a website hosting company that offers high uptime, so your website is always available to visitors.

Control Panel: The control panel is the interface that you’ll use to manage your website. You want to choose a website hosting company that offers a user-friendly control panel.

Security: Security is important when it comes to website hosting. You want to choose a website hosting company that offers features like firewalls and malware scanning.

Bandwidth: Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transferred to and from your website. If you have a lot of website traffic, you’ll need a website hosting company that offers high bandwidth.

Customer support: When something goes wrong with your website, you’ll want to be able to contact customer support.

Money-back guarantee: If you’re not happy with your website hosting company, you should be able to get a refund. Make sure the website hosting company you choose offers a money-back guarantee.

How do I choose a website hosting company?

Now that you know what to look for in a website hosting company, you may be wondering how to choose one. Here are some tips on choosing a website hosting company:

  • Read reviews: When you’re looking for a website hosting company, it’s important to read reviews. This will help you find a company that is reliable and has good customer service.
  • Compare prices: Website hosting companies offer different features at different price points. It’s important to compare prices to find the best value for your needs.
  • Look for discounts: Many website hosting companies offer discounts if you pay for a year in advance. This can save you money, so it’s worth looking for discounts when you’re choosing a website hosting company.

Hosting mistakes to avoid:

When you’re choosing a website hosting company, there are a few mistakes you’ll want to avoid. Here are some website hosting mistakes to avoid:

  • Paying for more than you need: If you’re just starting out, you don’t need to pay for expensive website hosting. You can always upgrade later as your website grows.
  • Not doing your research: Make sure you research website hosting companies before you choose one. Read reviews and compare features to find the best website hosting company for your needs.
  • Choosing a free website hosting company: While free website hosting sounds like a good deal, it’s not always the best option. Free website hosts often have ads and limited features.
  • Failing to back up your website: Make sure you back up your website regularly. Website hosting companies can make mistakes, and if you don’t have a backup, you could lose all of your website data.
  • Ignoring security: Don’t ignore security when it comes to website hosting. Make sure the website hosting company you choose offers features like firewalls and malware scanning.

Other hosting tips:

SSL Certificates

An SSL certificate is what allows your website to have a secure connection.

It’s recommended that you get one for your website, especially if you’re going to be collecting any sensitive information from users (like credit card numbers).

You can usually purchase an SSL certificate from your web hosting provider.

Website backups

Backing up your website is important in case something ever happens to your website and you lose all of your data.

There are a few different ways you can backup your website, but the most common way is to use a plugin or backup service.

You can also ask your web hosting provider if they offer any kind of website backup service.

Website security

Keeping your website secure is important, especially if you’re going to be collecting any sensitive information from users.

There are a few different ways you can keep your website secure, but the most common way is to use a plugin or security service.

You can also ask your web hosting provider if they offer any kind of website security service.

Website application firewall (WAF)

If you want to protect your website from attacks, you need to consider using a website application firewall. A website firewall is a piece of hardware or software that sits between your website and the internet. It filters traffic coming to your website and blocks any malicious traffic.

There are many different types of website firewalls available, but not all of them are created equal. You need to choose a website firewall that is right for your website and your budget.

Malware scanning

Another important website security measure is malware scanning. Malware is a type of software that is designed to damage or disable computers. It can come in the form of viruses, Trojans, worms, and more.

Malware can be used to steal sensitive information, like credit card numbers and passwords. It can also be used to disable website functionality or take control of a website.

Malware scanning helps to detect and remove malware from your website. There are many different types of malware scanners available, so you need to choose one that is right for your website.


Now that you understand the different types of website hosting, it’s time to make a decision about which option is best for your website. If you’re still unsure about which hosting option is right for you, our team can help. We offer a variety of website hosting options and we would be happy to help you choose the best hosting plan for your website. Contact us today to learn more about our website hosting services or to get started with a new website. Call (360) 450-3711

Website Hosting Frequently Asked Questions

What is website hosting?

In its simplest form, website hosting is a way to get your website online. By storing your website files on a web server, anyone can access your site by typing in your domain name.

How do I know if I need website hosting?

If you’ve ever visited a website, you’re already familiar with the concept of website hosting. Every website you’ve ever visited is hosted on a web server.

Can I host my own website?

You can, but it’s not recommended. Unless you have a lot of experience with website administration, it’s best to leave website hosting to the professionals.

What if my website outgrows my current hosting plan?

Most website hosting providers offer different levels of service, so you can upgrade to a more powerful server if needed. This is usually a seamless process that can be handled by your website hosting provider.

What is a domain name?

A domain name is the address people will use to access your website. For example, our domain name is websitehostinghub.com.

Do I need a domain name?

Yes, every website needs a unique domain name. You can’t have a website without one!

How do I get a domain name?

You can register a domain name through a website hosting provider or a domain name registrar.

Do you have any website hosting tips?

Here are a few website hosting tips to keep in mind:

  • Make sure you choose a reputable website hosting provider.
  • Do your research and compare different website hosting plans before you commit to one.
  • Once you’ve chosen a website hosting provider, set up regular backups of your website data to avoid losing important information if something goes wrong.

Should I host my email along with my website?

Short answer, no. While website hosting companies do offer email hosting, it’s not a good idea to host your email with them. Website hosting companies are not as reliable as email hosting companies, so you could end up losing emails if your website goes down. Email is too important to risk losing, so it’s best to use a separate email hosting company.

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