How Easy It Is To Use WordPress [VIDEO]

In this video I go over one of our client’s websites that we’ve built on WordPress. I show the back-end and how easy it is for her to manage her blog that we’ve customized.

Video: How Easy It Is To Use WordPress – Graticle Design

Video Transcription

Hi, my name’s Shawn and I’m with Graticle Design, a web design agency.

Today I want to go over a platform that we use called WordPress for all of our client’s websites.

I just want to show you how easy it is to use WordPress and what it looks like for our clients.

Here is an example of one of those websites:

This website is a blog and the owner posts recipes, diy articles, and general blog posts. She has a customized backend that we’ve developed for her to make it extremely easy to add content to this website. This is all without being technical and relying on someone just to make a blog post.

So if we login to her website, we are now in WordPress. This is the view that she sees while managing her blog.

As you can see, we have the recipe section, and if you click on it, you’ll notice that all of her recipes are kept and organized here.

If we click on the Mexican Black Bean and Corn Salad recipe, you can see that she adds content and has numerous images.

It’s very easy to add an image, she can just click on Add Media and then can drag and drop an image to be placed in the blog post.

The front-end or public facing side of the website automatically resizes the image to make it fit to the page. It also automatically scales it down so the image is lightweight.

She also has a featured image and categories that she can add her recipe post to. She has Time Servings and Level option for the time is takes to cook this recipe, how many servings, and the difficulty of cooking it. There is also the Ingredient List that she can add, reorder, and remove from. There is also an Optional Garnishes for the recipe as well.

Finally she has a Directions area where she can list out the directions for cooking.

WordPress then compiles all of this content, and put the page together automatically. When she’s finished, she hits the Update button and everything else is taken care of.

As you can see, it’s extremely easy to edit a website on WordPress. We’ve obviously heavily customized her website, and that’s typically what we do for all of our client’s websites to make it even easier to manage.

If you have any questions or would like us to design and develop a WordPress website for you, you can go to or you can give us a call at (360) 450-3711 and we’ll help you out.

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