How long does it take to build a website?

On average, it takes about 4-8 weeks for a complete custom website build.

There are many variables that can change the answer to this question.

◦ How many unique pages will we have on the website?

  • Special features?
  • Integrations with API’s/other platforms?
  • Will it be built on a content management system?

We also have two different packages that we offer our customers that have different timelines.

  1. Custom Website Package
  2. Small business Pre-Made Website Package

Our custom website packages start from scratch, so they take a lot more time to complete. An example of a custom website we created can be seen here.

On the other hand, our premade website package, take a lot less time. We start with a base and plug your information into our proprietary system. An example of our premade website package can be seen here.

We do have the ability to create websites quicker than 4-8 weeks, but the price will be higher since we have to dedicate more people to your project to get it done quicker.

I will say that it’s always best to prepare and have a deadline that is 2-3 months out. It allows for a project to have breathing room. It also tends to have a lot less stress.

I’ve found the projects that turn out the best, have a lot of space between the project start and deadline. It allows everyone to give even more thought and energy to the website. It allows ideas to fully form.

What’s it like to work with Graticle?

If you want to know what it’s like to work with us, fill out this quick form, or call/text us at (360) 450-3711 today.

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