How to Backup Your WordPress Website [VIDEO]

In this video I go over two options of how you can easily get your WordPress website backed up today.

Video: How to Backup Your WordPress Website – Graticle Design


Video Transcription

Hi my name’s Shawn and I’m with Graticle Design.

Today I want to show you how to backup your WordPress website.

But first, I want to ask you a question: If something happens to your website right now (it gets hacked, your server fails, or your database gets corrupted), what system do you have in place to restore it to it’s last working version?

Most people would assume that someone is taking care of it, but if you don’t have a system in place, that is not the case. I’ve seen and experienced this problem and it’s not fun, you can lose hours and hours of work in the blink of an eye.

In this video I want to show you two options.

The first option I want to show you is for the DIY’ers.

There’s a free plugin for WordPress called BackUpWordPress. It’s great for backing up your entire website (both your files and database) manually, or even on a weekly, daily, or hourly schedule.

Here’s a default WordPress installation on my local computer.

Go ahead and login to your WordPress website, so you follow along.

The first thing you can do is click Plugins, then click on Add New, then type in “BackUpWordpress”, and click Search Plugins.

As of right now, it’s the top search result.

I’m going to click Install Now, then click Okay, and then when it’s finished installing, you can click Activate Plugin.

To access the settings for this plugin, you can click Tools, and then click Backups.

Here you can set options for your Database backups, Complete (files and database) backups, and you can add schedules of how often backups are taken. By default, the plugin is set to backup your Database and Files daily, but you can alter that to your choosing.

Each situation is different, but generally the most important aspect to backup is your database, so daily is perfect. But for your entire website, backing up weekly or monthly is generally enough.

The great thing about this option is that it’s simple and free to set up. The downside is that if your server fails (one of the main reasons for backing up), you can be out of luck, because you’ve put all of your eggs into one basket. If your website fails or gets hacked, your website and your backups are at risk.

The other downside is that you’ve got a business to run, so if something goes wrong, you may be busy with a project or something else, and you generally won’t have time to just stop what you’re doing, and figure out how to fix this. And I’m guessing it’s probably not high on your to-do list.

The second option which I recommend for you is our WordPress Website Backup Service.

We can take monthly, weekly, or daily backups and keep up to 5 versions on hand. So if something goes wrong, we can restore it to it’s last working version.

We not only backup your entire website including the database, but we store these backups off-site. So if your server goes down and everything is gone, we still have your website backups.

In this case when something happens, you just give us a call and we restore your website to it’s last working version. And you’re back up, and running in no time.

So, if you’d like us to handle backing up your WordPress website, give us a call at (360) 450-3711. And if you mention this video, we’ll give you 25% off of our WordPress Backup Service.

I hope you’ve found this video helpful and you have a great day.

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