How to Disable Comments in WordPress in Under Two Minutes

In this video, I show you how to disable comments in WordPress sitewide in under two minutes. We’ll use a free third-party plugin and it couldn’t be easier. No programming in this video!


Video Transcription:

Hi. Today I’m going to show you how to disable comments on your WordPress website. Quickly and easily with a free third-party plugin.

By default, WordPress has comments active. Which is helpful if you have a blog where you are encouraging comments, but otherwise, if you don’t have a blog this feature is unnecessarily and quite annoying. You’ll start receiving emails about comments (mostly spam if you don’t have a blog) on each of your pages. And each email asks you to review each comment. I’m sure if you’re watching this video, you’re quite familiar with that.

What’s great about the method we’re about to do is that this is going to disable comments throughout the entire website and on any new pages or posts that we create in the future. So, one and done!

Ready to turn off comments entirely, sitewide?

Let’s go.

First, let’s login to WordPress.

And as you can see I have a comment right here that we’re about to eliminate.

Hover over ‘Plugins’, click ‘Add New.’

Hover over the search area, click and type in ‘Disable Comments.’ And it’s this plugin here by Samir Shah which has a pretty easy to recognize thumbnail.

Click ‘Install Now.’

Click ‘Activate.’

Now, our plugin is installed.

Click ‘Settings.’

Now, it’s a pretty simple settings page as you can image. What we’re going to do is disable comments everywhere. But, if you have a preference where you only want them to be disabled on certain aspects of the website, you can do that there. Otherwise, with this video, we’re going to disable them throughout the website.

Click ‘Save Changes.’

Now, let’s look if our comment is gone on the website. And you’ll also see this menu ‘Comments.’ That’s going to disappear, too.

Click ‘Dashboard.’

Now, you can see our comment is gone and also our ‘Comments’ link is gone as well.

And that’s it, we’re done.

We’ve now deactivated comments on our WordPress website.

Need more help? Give us a call at (360) 450-3711 or visit our website at and we’ll be glad to help.

Thanks for watching.

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