How to Get More Leads from Your Website?

Do you have a website that’s not doing anything for your business?

What gives?

Keep in mind, a lot of websites are rushed and not well-thought-out. Cookie cutter pages are slapped together, and the finish line is crossed.

Before we assume a website doesn’t work for your business, let me ask you:

Are you at least asking every customer that calls, emails, texts, walks in, how they heard about you guys?

If you’re not asking that simple question, how could you possibly know what’s working for your business?

How do you know what channels to double down on and what channels to stop spending time and money on?

If you do always ask and nobody says they found you online or mentions your website, you’ve got a problem.

Now, there are many things that make a website a success.

I want to cover the most common and most “bang for your buck” improvements you can make.

Ready? Let’s dive in!

Your Website Should Be Fast

Number one: Your website must load fast.

If it doesn’t, people don’t care what’s behind the curtain. They won’t wait.

You could follow all the steps I list below, but if your website is slow, it won’t matter.

Hosting is one of the biggest determinants of your websites speed. And no, hosting is not created equal. You get what you pay for. Have a professional web design company like us set this up and manage it for you.

Easy-to-Find Contact Info

You must have your contact information easy to find on every page.

Your phone number needs to be in the top right corner of the page (in the header), on every page. Having your business hours are also a plus, letting people know when they can call and will get someone on the phone.

The very bottom of your website is called a footer. It should have all your contact information, including address, directions, map, phone number, and social links. Everything a customer would need to be able to get in contact with your business.

  • BONUS: Include a contact form on every page of your website. That way if people have a question, the form is right there for them to fill out.
  • 2X BONUS: Have live chat on your website, so people can have a conversation with someone right then and there.

If you don’t have the above in place, you’re treating your website like an online brochure. Don’t do that. I hear people say this all the time and it’s not the right way to think about your website. A website is dynamic and should break down the walls allowing people to easily contact your business right then and there.

Benefits Not Features

Don’t talk about the features of your business, talk about the benefits to your customers.

If you’re a construction company, you wouldn’t show pictures of all the tools you own and how many company trucks you have.

You show the beautiful work that you do and the happy family enjoying it. You may even show before and after photos so people can visualize themselves going through the same process.

  • DON’T: “We are the best roofers in town.”
  • DO: “Never worry about your roof again.”

If you’re a cleaning company, don’t talk about how you clean toilets, kitchens, bedrooms, etc. Speak about the feeling your customers have when they get to the office and everything is immaculate, the sense of pride and confidence they have when their morning appointment shows up in their office. They didn’t even have to think about cleaning it just happens, like magic.

Social Proof / Reviews

This is a big one and I’m willing to bet you’re missing this step.

You should be not only collecting reviews and testimonials from your customers. You should have those stories on your website for prospective customers to read.

These reviews show prospective customers the similar situation that they are in now. They have a pain right now that they want to be solved.

Show them reviews of people who were just like them not long ago who had the same pain. Those people found your company, and now the pain is gone, and everything is wonderful.

There’s nothing like reading or hearing a story of a great experience than reading a company saying they are “the best” and provide the “highest quality.” Everybody says they do a great job, but reviews corroborate.

Personable / Human

One of my biggest pet peeves online are stock photos and generic content. It’s extremely lazy and people sense it.

Random pictures of skyscrapers, strange smiling people, and lots of “fledgling corporation generating holistic ROI” talk.

Show your real staff, your leadership team, owners, etc. throughout the website.

We are all human and relate to other humans. We like seeing people. We especially like to see the people were considering doing business with.

Your photos don’t have to be National Geographic quality. Photos that are unique and not the best quality will outperform stock photos that are perfect quality.

Your content can also have personality. You don’t have to be so dry. Remember, you need to keep your visitors’ interest by keeping them engaged.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a spot on your website where you can answer all the question your prospective customers will have.

Allow people to get to know your business in a question and answer type format. When someone is on your website, they are researching your business, the more information you can provide them about why they should choose you the better. Don’t throw the entire book at them at once but have all of your content on your website well-thought-out.

Having a nice frequently asked questions (FAQ) section also shows customers that you have experience and are attentive to detail.

About Page

Your about page can be one of your most popular pages.

People want to know more about the business and people they are thinking about hiring.

Will they like you and your team?

Tell the story of your business from when it started until where it is now. Talk about the ups and downs, and the keys to your success. Be sure to make this all come back to how this benefits your customers.

Stop Worrying About Your Website

Let us take care of it for you. The tips above are great for education, but I’m assuming you have your own talents that don’t include moonlighting as a web designer.

We’d like to help you.

Call or Text Us (360) 450-3711 or Fill Out This Form.

We’ll set up a free consultation, review your website and get everything back on track.

Looking forward to helping you!

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