How to Improve Your Website Ranking on Google

There are many factors that go into determining your website ranking on Google. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most important ones. By following the tips we outline here, you can improve your website’s position in search engine results pages (SERPs) and get more traffic to your site.

Before we dive in, let’s go over the basics:

How are websites ranked on Google?

When someone types a query into the search bar on Google, the search engine uses an algorithm to determine which websites should show up in the results. This algorithm considers numerous factors, including the website’s content, backlinks, and authority.

The purpose of this algorithm is to provide searchers with relevant results that will answer their query.

What is a SERP?

A SERP is a search engine results page. This is the page that appears after a user types in a query and hits enter. The SERP includes all of the websites that Google has determined to be relevant to the query.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search engine optimization is the process of improving your website’s ranking on Google. By optimizing your site for search engines, you can increase your visibility in SERPs and get more people to visit your site.

How to Improve Your Google Rankings in 2022

One of the most important ranking factors is the quality of your content. Google’s algorithms are designed to surface the best, most relevant results for a user’s query. In order to do this, they take into account numerous factors, including the quality of your content. To make sure your site is providing high-quality content, you should:

  • Write original and compelling content that is relevant to your target audience
  • Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions to help Google understand what your content is about
  • Promote your content through social media and other channels

Keyword Research

An important ranking factor is keyword relevancy. To make sure your site is relevant to the keywords that people are searching for, you should:

  • Conduct keyword research to find the right keywords for your business
  • Use those keywords throughout your site, including in your titles, descriptions, and content
  • Monitor your search engine rankings to see how well your site is doing for those keywords

Types of Keywords

There are three main types of keywords:

  • Short-tail keywords: These are one or two word phrases that are very general, such as “online marketing.”
  • Long-tail keywords: These are longer, more specific phrases, such as “SEO tips for small businesses.”
  • Local keywords: These include your city or region, such as “Cowlitz County WA SEO.”

When you are conducting keyword research, it is important to consider all three types of keywords. You should include short-tail, long-tail, and local keywords throughout your site to make sure you are covering all of your bases.

Content Creation

One of the most important things you can do to improve your website ranking is to create high-quality content. This means writing original, compelling, and relevant content that will appeal to your target audience. To do this, you should:

  • Identify the needs and wants of your target audience
  • Create content that addresses those needs and wants
  • Make sure your content is well-written, error-free, and easy to read
  • Include keyword-rich titles and descriptions
  • Use images, infographics, and videos to break up your text and make your site more visually appealing

Regularly update content

Another important ranking factor is content freshness. This refers to how often your site’s content is updated. Google prefers sites that have new, relevant content, so it is important to keep your site’s content up-to-date. One way to do this is to add new blog posts on a regular basis. You should also update your existing content to make sure it is still relevant.


Blogging is a great way to improve your website ranking. By creating new blog posts, you are adding fresh, relevant content to your site on a regular basis. This will not only help with your SEO, but it will also help increase your visibility in SERPs and bring more traffic to your site.

To get started with blogging, you should:

  • Create a list of topics that are relevant to your business and target audience
  • Research those topics to find out what people are looking for
  • Write blog posts that address those topics and provide value to your readers
  • Include keyword-rich titles and descriptions
  • Promote your blog posts through social media and other channels
  • Monitor your website’s analytics to see how your blog posts are performing


In addition to content, Google also looks at factors like the number of backlinks pointing to your site. Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your site. They act as a vote of confidence, telling Google that your site is relevant and trustworthy. The more backlinks you have, the better.

To get backlinks, you can:

  • Reach out to other businesses/websites and ask them to link to your site
  • Submit articles or guest posts to other websites
  • Participate in online forums and include a link to your site in your signature
  • Write quality content that other people will want to link to

On-Site SEO

Another important ranking factor is on-site SEO. On-site SEO refers to the optimization of your website’s design and code. By optimizing your site for search engines, you can make it easier for Google to understand what your site is about and improve your chances of showing up in SERPs.

Some things you can do to optimize your site for search engines include:

  • Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions
  • Make sure your website is mobile-friendly
  • Include alt text for images
  • Use clean and well-organized code

Pay Attention to Analytics

Google Analytics is a free tool that you can use to track your website’s traffic. By tracking your website’s traffic, you can see how well your site is performing and make changes accordingly.

Here are the most important data points to track in Google Analytics:

  • Bounce rate
  • Pages per session
  • Average session duration
  • New users vs. returning users
  • Traffic sources ( organic, direct, referral, social )
  • Conversions

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is the percentage of people who leave your site after only viewing one page. A high bounce rate is a sign that people are not finding what they’re looking for on your site. To lower your bounce rate, you can:

  • Make sure your website is easy to navigate
  • Include calls to action on each page
  • Use relevant and targeted keywords

Pages per session

Pages per session is the average number of pages a user views during a visit to your site. A high pages per session indicates that people are finding relevant and engaging content on your site. To increase your pages per session, you can:

  • Write compelling and original content
  • Include calls to action on each page
  • Use internal linking to other pages on your site

Average session duration

Average session duration is the average amount of time a user spends on your site during a visit. A high average session duration indicates that people are finding your content engaging and relevant. To increase your average session duration, you can:

  • Write compelling and original content
  • Include multimedia (images, videos, etc.) in your content
  • Use internal linking to other pages on your site

New users vs. returning users

New users are people who have never visited your site before. Returning users are people who have visited your site at least once before. The percentage of new vs. returning visitors can give you an idea of how well you’re retaining your audience. To increase the percentage of returning visitors, you can:

  • Write compelling and original content
  • Include calls to action on each page
  • Use relevant and targeted keywords

Traffic sources (organic, direct, referral)

Organic traffic is traffic that comes to your site from a search engine. Direct traffic is traffic that comes to your site from typing your URL into a browser. Referral traffic is traffic that comes to your site from another website. Knowing the percentage of each type of traffic can give you an idea of how well you’re doing with SEO and marketing.

To increase organic traffic, you can:

  • Submit articles or guest posts to other websites
  • Participate in online forums and include a link to your website in your signature
  • Submit your website to online directories

To increase direct traffic, you can:

  • Make sure your website’s URL is easy to remember
  • Include calls to action on each page
  • Advertise your website offline (with flyers, business cards, etc.)

To increase referral traffic, you can:

  • Submit articles or guest posts to other websites
  • Participate in online forums and include a link to your website in your signature
  • Submit your website to online directories.


Conversions are the number of people who take a desired action on your site. The desired action could be anything from subscribing to your email list to making a purchase. To increase conversions, you can:

  • Make sure your website is easy to navigate
  • Include calls to action on each page
  • Use relevant and targeted keywords


Metatags are tags that you include in the code of your website that help search engines understand what your site is about. The three most important metatags are the title tag, meta description tag, and meta keywords tag.

To optimize your metatags, you can:

  • Make sure your title tag is relevant and keyword rich
  • Keep your meta description under 160 characters
  • Include relevant and targeted keywords in your meta keywords tag.

Types of Metatags

  • Title Tag: The title tag is the most important metatag. It tells search engines what your site is about. Make sure your title tag is relevant and keyword rich.
  • Meta Description Tag: The meta description tag is the second most important metatag. It gives search engines a brief summary of your site. Keep your meta description under 160 characters.
  • Meta Keywords Tag: The meta keywords tag is the third most important metatag. It tells search engines what keywords are associated with your site. Include relevant and targeted keywords in your meta keywords tag.


A sitemap is a file that you include on your website that helps search engines index your pages. To create a sitemap, you can use a sitemap generator tool like


Robots.txt is a file that you include on your website that tells search engines which pages they should and shouldn’t index. To create a robots.txt file, you can use a robots.txt generator tool like

Local SEO

If you’re running a local business, it’s also important to optimize your website for local SEO. Local SEO is a set of practices that helps you improve your visibility in local search results. This is important because when people search for businesses like yours, they’re usually looking for something nearby.

To optimize your site for local SEO, you should:

  • Add your business to Google My Business
  • Include your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) on your website
  • Make sure your website is mobile-friendly

Wrapping It Up

Now that you understand the basics of how Google ranks websites, it’s time to put this knowledge into action. To improve your website ranking and get more traffic, consider hiring a professional SEO company like ours. At Graticle, we have years of experience helping businesses just like yours achieve better search engine results pages positions. We know what it takes to optimize a website for Google and can help you see improved rankings in short order. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to get started on improving your website ranking! Call (360) 450-3711.

Website Ranking FAQs

What is a good website ranking?

A good website ranking is anything above position 50 on the first page of SERPS.

How do I improve my website ranking on Google?

There are many factors that go into improving your website ranking on Google. Some of the most important include: having quality content, optimizing your metatags, having a sitemap, and optimizing for local SEO.

What is the most important factor in website ranking?

There is no one most important factor in website ranking. All of the factors mentioned above are important.

How long does it take to improve website ranking on Google?

It depends. Generally speaking, it takes time and effort to improve website ranking on Google. However, if you’re using black hat SEO techniques, you may be able to improve your ranking in a short period of time. But, this is usually not sustainable and can result in your site being banned from Google.

What is black hat SEO?

Black hat SEO is a set of practices that are used to improve website ranking in an unethical way. These techniques are usually against Google’s guidelines and can result in your site being banned from Google. Black hat SEO techniques include: keyword stuffing, cloaking, and buying links.

What is white hat SEO?

White hat SEO is a set of practices that are used to improve website ranking in a ethical way. These techniques are usually within Google’s guidelines and will not result in your site being banned from Google.

What are some common website ranking mistakes?

Common website ranking mistakes include: keyword stuffing, using black hat SEO techniques, and not having quality content.

How can I track my website ranking?

There are many tools that you can use to track your website ranking. Some of the most popular include Google Analytics, Google Search Engine Console, and SEMRush.

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