How to Limit WordPress Login Attempts (Video)

In the video below, I show you how to limit login attempts in your WordPress website with a free third-party plugin. No code required!




Hi, I’m going to show you how to limit login attempts to your WordPress website. This is important because out of the box, WordPress allows someone unlimited attempts to log into your website. So essentially, they could keep guessing until they figure out your password.

We’re going to alleviate this by installing a simple, easy-to-use, free third-party plugin.

Ready to get started? Let’s go.

First, log into your WordPress website.

Hover over ‘Plugins.’ Click ‘Add New.’

Click on the search box. Type in ‘Login LockDown.’ And it should be the first result.

Click ‘Install Now.’ Click ‘Activate.’ And now we have it installed.

Now, we need to go to the settings of the plugin.

Hover over ‘Settings,’ click ‘Login LockDown.

Now, by default, this is ready to go. You actually don’t need to alter these settings. But if you did those settings are there and it’s very well explained.

Now, I should also mention you’re going to need strong passwords. Otherwise, this will be fruitless.

Need more help? Give us a call at (360) 450-3711 or visit our website at and we’ll be glad to help.

Thanks for watching.


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