Importance of Online Reviews


Online reviews can be found very easily, because of search engines and mobile apps. Reviews are what people see before they see your store in real life. I think of reviews as an online storefront. They’re what people see first and base their first opinions on. So, you want attract customers with good reviews and lots of reviews.

When people look at your reviews, they’re usually looking at the number of stars and number of reviews. After that, people will look at what others have written in the reviews. This is where having good reviews is important. These reviews show how well you worked with other customers and will open the door to let the prospective customer see what they’re getting into. You will get some bad reviews, that’s okay. A combination between good and bad shows that your business is legitimate. The good will always outweigh the bad if are providing great service/products to your customers.

The more reviews the better. More reviews bump your business up in the search engines so people can find your business first. The more reviews you have also means you have more stories for others to view and that way they have a better chance of finding a story like their own. This will help make your business more attractive to the potential customer. When it comes to reviews the more the merrier.

Online reviews are critical to the success or failure of a business! 

Take a look at some of the reviews we’ve gotten. 

You can call or text us (360) 450-3711, too. We’re always happy to help!

Thank you for reading!


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