Landing Page Design Tips to Increase Conversion Rates

No matter how good your product is, if people can’t find you, it doesn’t matter.

That’s why a landing page design can be a key part of any campaign. It should paint the picture of what the offer is and provide an easy way for users to convert. With so many ways to do this, we’ve compiled some tips that will help increase conversion rates on your website.

Before you begin, make sure you have a clear idea of your audience in mind. What are they looking for? What will compel them to act? Once you know the answers to these questions, you can start thinking about how your landing page design should be.

What do users expect when they get to your site?

Think of landing pages as a piece of direct mail you would receive from a company. When someone sends out a piece of direct mail, they usually have an image on the front that represents what’s inside and a call to action. The landing page design for your website should work the same way – think about what people will see first and how they’ll respond to it.

What should be the first thing users see?

All of this should go somewhere near the top of the page so there is no question what you’re offering and how to take advantage of it. A lot of companies will use a landing page design that looks like a newspaper ad, but modified for online purposes by adding an email opt-in form.

What is the call to action?

Think of what you’re trying to accomplish with this landing page design and how it will lead to conversions. Do you want people to sign up for an email list, download a free trial or buy something immediately? Make that your goal. Think about where you are directing users on the page after they convert so you’ll know where to put your call to action.

What should come after the “call to action”?

Typically, there is some sort of offer landing page design on a website. If it’s an email opt-in form, let people know what they’re getting by signing up and what they should expect from you in the future. If it’s a download or free trial, let people know what they’re going to get from you and how long the offer will last.

What should be used for images?

You can use photos, illustrations or a combination of both. Just make sure they reinforce the message of your landing page design and drive conversions. You don’t want to use generic stock images that don’t relate to what you’re offering. Also, avoid using more than one image as this can be confusing and make your landing page design look crowded.

Are there any other tips?

You know how you should design your landing page, but there are lots of ways to do it wrong. Keep some important things in mind when you go to create a landing page design:

  • Bigger is better. The more area you have to play with, the easier it will be for users to understand what you’re offering and give them a clear path to conversions.
  • Keep your landing page design simple. People don’t want to read a lot on your landing page. They just want to know what you have to offer in an easy-to-digest format.
  • Match your landing page design with the style of your website, but don’t copy it directly. Landing pages are designed for a specific purpose, so they shouldn’t look like everything else on your site. However, it should fit in with the overall look and feel of what you’re doing.
  • Use your brand colors to make it clear where your landing page design came from. This will make users comfortable converting on your page because they’ll see it as part of your organization, not something tacked on for getting conversions.

These are just some ways you can create a landing page design that works for your website. It’s important to get an idea of what you want to accomplish with this piece before diving into it. If users don’t know how they should act when visiting your landing page, then your conversions will suffer. Make sure you know what you want to do and that the goal is clear to everyone on your team.

Need a Landing Page Design?

At Graticle Design, we know that every business has unique needs and goals, which is why we offer a very comprehensive list of services designed to help them succeed. Our expert team has the knowledge and capability to produce successful landing pages for any campaign; if you’re interested in working with us, contact us today! (360) 450-3711

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