Should You Manage Your WordPress Website Yourself? (Pros & Cons)

Should You Manage Your WordPress Website Yourself - Pros and Cons - Graticle Design (small)

Hiring someone to manage and maintain your WordPress website versus doing it yourself (DIY) is a question everyone with a website has to consider.

After all, if your website is online and doesn’t have any problems, why would someone need to maintain that? That’s exactly what I’ll be explaining below.


Let’s get going!

My website is finished and everything is good to go, why would I need someone to manage my website? It’s working perfectly.

You’re right, just like you don’t need auto insurance… the majority of the time. But like they say, you don’t need it until you need it!

Also, don’t confuse having a new website and not being a target of a hacker. The majority of website hacks are done by robots scouring the web for easy targets, targets like you.

Why do they care about your website? It’s a numbers game. The more websites they can hack and add malware and links to their gambling and viagra affiliates, the more money they make in affiliate income. When they hack your site, they add these links and use your website as another pawn in their scheme.

Again, just like auto insurance, you can take your chances, but you’ll risk the money you invested in your website and possibly tarnish your name when things take a turn for the worse.

I can update WordPress and plugins myself. Surely, it can’t be that hard to click a button?

Agreed! It’s easy to click those upgrade buttons! But what happens when WordPress or a plugin update breaks your website? Can you fix that yourself? Or do you need to hire a web developer to fix it for you?

In the meantime, let’s not forget, your website is broken until fixed. Trust me, your customers will notice!

I’m pretty sure my hosting company backs up my website. If it goes down, I’ll just give them a call.

Whoa there, tiger!

Unless your hosting plan has full server backups included, you’re out of luck. Call up your hosting company and find out if you have backups included. If you do, you can take their word for it. You’ll get a chance to find out how true that is when your website goes down.

If your hosting company doesn’t have any backups, you’ll need to pay a web developer to fix your website. Almost always, the cost of this fix will greatly outweigh the monthly management fee you’d have been paying all along. Also, a good web company will have already spotted any problems before you (they actively monitor it 24 hours a day) and fixed it before anyone of your customers notice.

I can host my website myself for only $5 a month. Why would I choose another hosting company over that deal?

You sure can. But that $5 isn’t the whole story…

Yes, for only $5 your website will be ‘hosted,’ but it will be slow and unreliable. Have you ever clicked on a website and just waited for it to load and eventually hit the back button? We all have. That’s $5 hosting. Plus, I’m sure their customer support team is wonderful to deal with 🙂

If you don’t mind people never browsing your website, then by all means, go for it.

There are many more options for hosting that we recommend, including our dedicated virtual (DV) hosting which is just about the gold standard in the web industry.

OK, then I’ll just purchase DV hosting from another provider.

You could do that! But wait, there’s more!

When you get into DV hosting, things get more complicated than standard hosting (not that that’s any simpler).

Do you know how to configure a server so that it runs optimally? If your server has any issues, do you know how to fix those issues? You’re not going to have to break out the screwdriver, but you will have to have a breadth of knowledge in server management. Among many other chores, you also need to monitor it to watch for spikes of traffic when a hacker is targeting your website.

OK, I get it, I need someone to manage my website. But my domain, that’s easy, I’ll handle that part.

But, you already know what I’m about to say. Your domain name is a piece of the pie!

Your web maintenance company will also manage this, making sure it’s tied into your hosting and also renewing it on time each and every year.
Plus, if you forget to renew your domain name, it can be a nightmare to recover without dishing out a ton of cash.

Ding Ding Ding!

Now, that’s the end of this round.

It should be clear that you do need someone to actively monitor and manage your website.

We’ve fixed so many websites that have been hacked because of a lack of security and monitoring, honestly, it’s getting a little old. In the end, it costs the customer more to fix the issue, than if they’d just had a maintenance plan with us in the first place. Plus, the whole time their website was down they were losing money. Not to mention, the headache the company had to go through calling up and getting the run around from their $5 customer support team.

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