How to give your website a new look without hurting your SEO

Your website is a reflection of your business and should be updated regularly. It’s important to keep up with the latest trends in design, but it can also be challenging to balance that with your current SEO ranking. Here are some reasons why you should give your site a new look without hurting your SEO:

1. Keeps Your Site Fresh & Engaging for Visitors

When users visit an older looking website they may wonder if you’re still open for business or have gone out of business because no content has been added in recent years. A fresh looking site will show visitors that you care about their experience on your site and aren’t just leaving it as a relic from the past. You’ll find them coming back more often which will help with your website traffic.

2. Keeps Google Happy

website that’s been redesigned for speed is also going to be easier for the search engine spiders to index and follow from page to page, giving your website a better chance of being found when people do searches on specific keywords or phrases related to what you offer. In addition, you’ll be able to provide direct access to recent news, recipes, videos and other website content that was not available the last time someone looked at your website.

3. Keeps Your Current Visitors Coming Back

You don’t want website visitors landing on only one page of your website then leaving because they can’t find what they’re looking for. A website that’s been redesigned is going to have lots of different pages and information available on many topics. When the website visitors know they can find what they’re looking for, no matter how specific their inquiry happens to be, you’ll keep them coming back again and again.

4. Keeps You Ahead of the Competition

If your website looks like all of the other websites out there and doesn’t offer website visitors anything new or exciting, why should they choose to visit your website? A website that looks like every other website isn’t going to help you stay ahead of the competition. If you want website visitors to choose you over everyone else who offers similar services and products, then a website redesign is something you need to consider.

5. Keeps You Ahead of the Web Design Pack

It’s important to keep up with website design trends and add new website features when they become available. A website redesign will help you do that without hurting your SEO rankings.

6. Keeps Your Website Fresh & Up-to-Date

When you don’t update your website regularly, website visitors will soon figure out that you don’t care about website traffic and website visitors. They’ll be more likely to turn to the website of another business that does try to maintain a great website and keep it up-to-date. When you want website visitors to keep coming back again and again, you need a website redesign strategy in place.

7. Keeps Your Competitors at Bay

If website visitors can find exactly what they’re looking for on your website and other websites, the website redesign will keep them from going to your competitors instead. You don’t want website visitors feeling as if you don’t care about their business or as if you aren’t willing to help them achieve their website goals.

8. Keeps You Ahead of the Game

Website visitors and website search bots will be able to find your website more easily with a website redesign and keep you ahead of the competition as a website design leader in your industry, instead of allowing your website to look outdated and unappealing.

9. Keeps Your Brand Fresh & Visible

Website visitors need to be able to find your website and easily identify with the things you offer. A website redesign will make sure that happens, instead of allowing your website to bring in less website traffic as a result of looking as if it needs to be updated.

10. Keeps You Ahead of Any Competitors Who Are Still Using the Old Look

Website visitors and website search bots will be able to find your website whether they’re using an outdated website or a website redesign, but website visitors will choose to go with the website that looks more appealing. That’s why it is so important to keep up with new website design trends.

11. Keeps Your Site Fresh & Clean

Website visitors and website search bots will be able to find you and your website more easily with a website redesign, which will keep your website looking clean and fresh.

12. Keeps Your Site More User-Friendly

When you want website visitors to keep coming back to your website instead of going somewhere else, website usability is key. website visitors need to feel as if they’re in total control of their website experience. website usability is important, too, because website search bots are more likely to click on your website link when it comes up in an internet search if your website looks clean and user-friendly.

13. Keeps Your Site More Mobile-Friendly

Website visitors use website search engines to find website content when they’re on their mobile devices. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, website visitors will be more likely to use another website link instead of yours because it’s easier for them to access the website information they want with a simple click of their finger.

14. Keeps Your Site Search Engine Friendly

Website visitors and website search bots will struggle to find your website content with a website redesign, and website visitors won’t keep coming back for more if it’s not easy to use. When you want website visitors to come back again and again, website search engine optimization needs to be taken into account, as well.

15. Keeps Your Site Quick & Clean

Website visitors will have no problem finding website content if it’s quick and easy to access, instead of making them wait for a website that takes too long to load or makes website loading difficult.

16. Keeps Them Thinking About Your Website

Website visitors need to think about your website and how it can help them achieve their website goals instead of forgetting all about your website because it doesn’t come up in website searches. website design trends will help you keep website visitors thinking about your website even after they’ve left, too.

17. Keeps Them From Getting Frustrated

Website visitors will get frustrated with your website if it’s not quick and easy to load, especially when website loading takes longer than expected or website content is hard-to-find. website visitors don’t want website visitors to take up too much of their time, so website design trends need to come first in website redesigns.

18. Keeps Them Coming Back for More

Website visitors will keep coming back if it’s easy-to-use and looks clean, instead of getting frustrated because website content is hard to find, website loading takes too long or website design trends aren’t up-to-date. website visitors want one thing and one thing only: website content that is easy to find and quick and easy to load, no matter what website search bots decide to do with their website link after they’ve clicked on it.

19. Keeps Them From Getting Confused

Website visitors need website content that is easy-to-find and quick and easy to load because it helps keep them from getting confused or frustrated with your website, for one reason or another. website visitor confusion will have website visitors bouncing off your website with website redesigns, so website design trends need to be taken into account in website redesigns, too.

20. Keeps Website Visitors Engaged

Website visitors want website content that is easy-to-find and quick and easy to load because it helps them get engaged with your website instead of feeling like they’re on a website that is too complicated or website design trends aren’t up-to-date. website visitors who stay engaged with your website will be more likely to buy from you, too.

These are just twenty of the main reasons website owners choose website redesign services. There are many more benefits that come with website redesign, but these are some of the most important ones for website owners to know about.

If your website is outdated and you want to start giving it a new look without hurting your SEO, website design companies can help. These website design companies offer website redesign services you won’t get anywhere else to make sure there aren’t any problems with your SEO or website rankings.

We Can Help

Keeping your site up-to-date is important for business success. You want to be able to show off the latest and greatest, but you also don’t want that update to hurt your rankings in search engines like Google or Bing. Graticle specializes in web design without hurting SEO so we can help provide a new look for your website with no worries about losing out on potential traffic from search engine optimization (SEO). What does your current website say about how you do business? Have you considered giving it an updated look this year? Let us know if you have questions! Our team would love to chat more and explore ways we could work together on designing a website that’s next level. Give us a call (360) 450-3711.

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