Questions All Marketers Should Ask Before Hiring a Web Design Agency

If you’re a marketer looking to hire an agency for web design, the process can be overwhelming. With so many options out there, how can you be sure that you’re picking the right one? To make sure that your expectations are met and your new website is successful, it’s important to ask certain questions before committing. Doing this homework now will save time and headaches down the line! In this blog post—which was written with marketers in mind—we’ll go over the key questions all marketers should consider when looking for a web design agency. Read on if you want to take your website and brand up a notch with confidence!

What experience do they have in the industry and with clients similar to yours in size and scope of business operations?

A web design agency’s experience in your industry and with companies of similar size is key. Do they have a portfolio that demonstrates their expertise? Are there case studies to back up their success? Be sure to ask for references as well—a reputable web design agency should be willing and able to provide them.

Do they have a portfolio?

A portfolio is an essential part of any web design agency’s presentation. It should showcase previous work and demonstrate their skills in creating a range of innovative designs. Do they offer website redesign services as well? It’s also important to ask if the agency offers ongoing maintenance and support after the project is complete.

Do they have customers that you can speak to?

Customer testimonials and reviews are a great way to learn more about an agency’s services. Speaking with existing customers can provide insight into how the web design agency works, if they meet timelines, and if they deliver on their promises.

Are they knowledgeable about the latest trends and technologies?

These days, it’s important to make sure that your website is designed with an eye towards SEO, mobile friendly design, user experience (UX) and accessibility. Your web design agency should be up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices for these—ask if they are familiar with the latest trends and can explain how they will be incorporated into your website.

Do they practice user-centered design?

User centered design (UCD) is an essential part of web design, as it puts the focus on the end user in order to create a better experience. Ask your web design agency about their approach to UCD and how they use it to create a website that meets your goals and the needs of your customers.

How long has the company been in business and what is their reputation like?

Before you sign off on any agreement, do your research and make sure that the agency has a good reputation in the industry. How long have they been in business? What are customer reviews like? Are their past projects still alive and active, or do they show signs of neglect? Ask around, read online reviews, and get as much information as you can in order to make an informed decision.

What is the agency’s process for creating a website?

You should be able to get a clear idea of how an agency goes about developing and delivering a website. What are the steps they take, and what processes do they use? Make sure that their design process includes research, planning, design, development, testing, and launch. It’s also important to understand how your feedback is integrated into the process—make sure that you have input at every stage.

Do they understand the importance of SEO and how to apply it?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is key to getting your website seen by people searching for your services or products. Ask the web design agency if they have experience optimizing websites for search engines, and whether they can create content that’s keyword-rich and optimized for local searches.

Do they offer hosting and maintenance services?

You should ask if the agency offers hosting or maintenance services. The right web design agency will be able to provide these as part of a package—or even offer them as stand-alone services—so that your website is always up and running. This also ensures that any updates or changes you need are taken care of in a timely manner.

Can they provide analytics tools to measure success?

It’s important to ask if the web design agency provides tools that allow you to track your website’s performance. These can include analytics software, or even just a monthly report on activities such as visitor numbers, page visits, and conversions. This data can help you make informed decisions about how to improve your website and ensure it’s meeting its goals.

What kind of customer service do they provide?

Even after your website is up and running, you may still need the help of the web design agency. Make sure that they offer reliable customer service, including technical support and maintenance once the project is complete. Ask how soon they respond to inquiries and how often they check in with clients.

What are their rates and policies for payment, revisions, deadlines, etc.?

Before engaging in any business relationship, it’s important to understand the terms of payment and other policies. Get an idea of what their rates are for services, as well as how often and when payments must be made. Make sure that you know the timeline for delivery, if there is a guarantee of satisfaction or revisions, and what happens in the event of a dispute.


When choosing a web design agency to create your website, it’s important to ask the right questions. Ask about their approach to user-centered design, how long they’ve been in business, what processes they use for creating a website, and if they offer hosting or maintenance services. Ensure that they have experience with SEO and can provide analytics tools to measure success. Be sure to also inquire about customer service, payment policies, and timelines for delivery. By taking the time to ask these questions beforehand, you can help ensure that your website project is a successful one.

If you’re currently looking for a web design agency, contact us. At Graticle Design, we take a user-centered approach to web design, offering comprehensive services from research and design through development and launch. Our team of professionals is dedicated to optimizing your website for search engine visibility, providing analytics tools to measure success, and ensuring that all client needs are met with exceptional customer service. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you take your website to the next level. Call or text (360) 450-3711.

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