We often get calls from prospective customers who have big dreams. They are starting out and want a website the size of Facebook.
This will also be their first website project.
Now, even if they could afford an undertaking like that, it’s not where their time and money are best spent.
I’ll tell you why.
Often, the person on the other line hasn’t even collected a dollar in their new venture.
Prove the Concept
My advice is almost always the same. Prove your concept and get on first base.
I know you want to hit a home run, but you haven’t swung at a pitch, or much alone got on base.
It’s even more important to start with on first base because your ideas aren’t fully formed yet. The idea you have in mind now, once brought to the market is going to change. We can have grand ideas and see things working a certain way, but rarely is that the way it turns out. There will be stumbling blocks and you’re going to change things around. Ideally, you want to waste as little money as possible throughout this leanring curve.
I should also mention, for a seasoned entrepreneur, the above scenario is expected. I’m speaking to a first-time business owner.
Sure, it’s great to collect a nice paycheck and give people what they want, but I want people to succeed. I don’t want to get a phone call from them 12 months from now letting me know it didn’t work out and they’re closing shop. If that’s going to happen, I’d rather have not collected the check in the first place.
Listen & Guide
My job is to listen to what people think they want and guide them in the right direction.
Be patient. Be smart.
Be creative when you’re starting something new. There are many avenues to get to where you want to go. And often, that doesn’t mean you need to take a second mortgage on your home to get there.
Get to First Base
From one business owner to another: start by getting to first base. Then go to second, then third, then home. Rinse, repeat.
Then, swing for a homer. Your odds will be much greater.
Let Us Help You Get to First Base
We’d love to help you. Fill out this quick form, or call/text us at (360) 450-3711 today.