The benefits of investing in SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can be a great way to increase your business’s online presence. It is an investment that will pay off in the long term, and it is affordable for any size company. The higher you rank on the search engines, the more traffic you will likely see coming through to your site.

Here are some of the benefits:

  1. Increased brand recognition;
  2. Higher customer conversion rates;
  3. Increased Authority;
  4. Improved website usability; and
  5. Higher rankings with organic searches.

With SEO strategies such as keyword research, link building and content optimization, your company’s ranking should improve within 6 months or less!

If you are looking for a great way to get more customers to your website, SEO is definitely worth considering.

To help you get started, SEO can be broken down into three parts:

  • On Page SEO – which includes keyword research, meta tags, page speed optimizations and content optimization;
  • Link Building – building links from external websites; and
  • Off Page SEO – which includes social media signals, directory submissions, blog commenting and personal referrals.

These processes should all work together to help improve your website’s ranking in search engines.

On Page SEO Tips:

  • Have a blog to rank on google, yahoo and bing for SEO related search phrases
  • Use SEO friendly images
  • Optimize your SEO title tags, make sure they are SEO friendly and contain keywords

Keyword research is one of the most important parts of On Page SEO; it helps you determine what words or search phrases people are typing into a search engine when looking for your type of business. You should use keyword research as part of all three phases of SEO, but it is especially important in On Page SEO because you want to make sure that the content of your website matches what people are searching for; this helps prevent “Keyword Stuffing” and makes sure users find the relevant pages they are looking for.

To complete keyword research, there are a number of tools available: Google Adwords Keyword Tool, Bing Ads and Once you choose a tool (I would recommend starting with either Google or SEMRush) type in your main keywords and hit search; the resulting list should include related keywords which will help expand your SEO efforts.

Once you have completed on page SEO for all of your webpages it is time to move onto off page SEO.

Link Building Tips:

Build links – To improve SEO ranking you want to get backlinks from other websites, so people can see your site on the search engines and click through to your website. There are several ways of getting quality backlinks; for example guest blogging is a great SEO strategy which involves writing blog posts for another blogger’s website, but linking back to your site at the end of the post. This gives you exposure with their audience, helps them reach a new audience and will increase your SEO rankings over time if done right!

A quick search of “guest blogging services” or “link building services” should yield some results that may be helpful in link building efforts.

Social Media Signals:

Another important SEO strategy is to create and share content on social media; it has been estimated that anywhere from 30-60% of SEO is determined by social sharing.

Make sure that you have a SEO strategy for your blog posts, and then make sure that these SEO blogging efforts are shared on all popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. This type of SEO requires time commitment so setting up SEO services with experts who can manage this for you may be helpful.

Directory Submissions:

Another great way to get one way backlinks (which will improve SEO rankings) is directory submissions. Directory submissions helps increase website’s authority within search engines and SEO. This SEO strategy is very easy to implement and the SEO experts we speak with don’t recommend ignoring this SEO tactic if you can do it yourself.


Blogs are a great way to gain backlinks as well as improve SEO on your website. A blog allows you to post content that is search engine friendly and improves SEO rankings for your site! Simply setting up a blog through (or similar blogging platform) and writing about topics related to your business can give you links back to your website and increase SEO over time!

Personal Referrals:

When people visit your site they should always be given an opportunity to link back to your site; giving them an SEO friendly link also known as a do-follow that allows them to share your website on social media and SEO.

Make sure that the links you provide are to your homepage or other pages that would typically be useful to someone visiting your site.

Personal referrals from loyal customers is an easy way to get quality backlinks to your website. These personal referrals should go through a seo strategy which could include setting up seo services, seo consulting and seo tools. This can help improve seo rankings for a low cost and save you a lot of time!

Quality content:

Creating unique, high-quality content on your website will always have benefits over just creating more pages with thin information; this is especially true from an SEO perspective because search engines pay attention not only to how many times a keyword appears within a page but also the overall length of the text. Longer text is typically better for seo because search engines are looking to deliver the best possible results for searchers so they favor websites which have quality long text.

Wrapping It Up

SEO is a powerful tool for any business to help drive traffic and sales. The higher you rank on the search engines, the more traffic you will likely see coming through to your site. If this sounds like something that would be beneficial for your company, let us know! Whether looking for long-term results or just need some quick assistance, contact us today (360) 450-3711!

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