The Most Common Mistakes with Website Hosting

Website hosting is an integral part of marketing success – without it, customers will leave because of poor loading speeds and never come back! The good news about this topic is there are many ways companies can improve their online presence through effective website hosting practices. In today’s blog post we’ll go over some of these tips and tricks so you can start seeing results right away!

We’ve broken this article down into several sections below, but there are just too many points to cover in one post. If your website isn’t performing well for various reasons, let our team know by reaching out to us here . We’d be happy to help! Keep reading below for the first 5 website hosting mistakes to avoid!

  1. Not including website speed in the website priority list.
  2. Insufficient website security.
  3. Using website hosting servers that are too small for website needs or outdated website scripts and CMS’s.
  4. Failing to keep track of website uptime with a tool like Pingdom.
  5. Buying cheap hosting

1) Not including website speed in the website priority list – If your website is loading slowly for customers, they’ll leave and never come back! A powerful website requires fast page-load speeds due to the amount of content being served to website visitors at once. We recommend having a fully dedicated server when working on an eCommerce website with hundreds of products or more than 10,000 daily visits to stay ahead of traffic spikes during peak times that could cause slow load times .

2) Insufficient website security – There are many ways you can offer website security through different types of hosting. But it’s important to note not all hosting companies are alike when it comes to protecting websites from malware, hacks, DDOS attacks, website vulnerabilities and more. We recommend using website hosting providers that offer website security as a service.

3) Using website hosting servers that are too small for website needs or outdated website scripts and CMS’s – Company websites running on older website scripts, frameworks and CMS’s (Content Management System) have a greater risk of being hacked or compromised by external forces because of their age. It’s important to keep these websites updated with the latest website software to provide the most secure environment possible. Servers that are overloaded with websites will not be able to handle spikes in traffic during peak times. By upgrading your web server, you can avoid slow loading speeds and downtime which will improve customer experience on your website once again!

4) Failing to keep track of website uptime with a website uptime tool – Website uptime is crucial to website success. If customers can’t access your website when they want, where they want and how they want, it will cost you sales which could have been prevented if website uptime was monitored regularly using a website uptime tool . You can set alarms to notify you of downtime on your website so you don’t waste time trying to find out why your website isn’t working.

According to website monitoring website uptime tool Pingdom, the most common website downtime occurs during website backups.

5) Buying cheap hosting – We’ve all done it before; we see a website hosting offer for $0.99 and think we’re getting a great deal! But website hosting is not something you want to scrimp on. With website hosting, it’s best to pay more for good website uptime and fast page-load speeds. Cheap website hosting could have limited features, website security issues or performance problems which will cost your business in the long run!

Your website hosting is crucial for the success of your company. If you’re not hosting on a reliable, secure server with excellent uptime and fast speeds, you are missing out on potential customers who are turned off by slow load times or inaccessible sites. It can also put sensitive information at risk of getting hacked which will cause irreparable damages to your business. Luckily we offer some of the best in cloud hosting services you will find. If this sounds like something you need contact us today (360) 450-3711.

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