The Most Commonly Forgotten Elements of Web Design and Development

You’re busy. You’ve got a lot on your plate. And when it comes to your website, you may think that as long as it’s up and running, that’s good enough. But there are actually a lot of elements of web design and development that are commonly forgotten – and they can have a big impact on your website’s success. Here are just a few things to keep in mind next time you’re looking at your website.

The favicon

Have you ever noticed those little images that show up on a browser tab or when you bookmark a page? Those are called favicons! Favicons are a great way to personalize your website and make it stand out from the crowd. Having a recognizable icon helps both users and search engines differentiate between different websites. Even though they’re small, they can have a big impact on how appealing your website looks. Using a custom icon is an excellent way to set yourself apart from every other website out there. And, best of all, setting up a favicon is easy – there are plenty of online tools and tutorials that can help you get started in no time.

The 404 page

There’s nothing worse than clicking on a link, only to find that the page doesn’t exist. But just because the content isn’t what you’re looking for doesn’t mean there can’t be a great experience behind it. The 404 page is one of those underrated web elements that often goes overlooked, but it has plenty of potential for fun and creativity! Forward-thinking companies take their 404 pages to the next level, using characters from their brand or whimsical artwork to ensure no one leaves feeling frustrated. It’s a great way to put your own spin on something typically dreaded – so why not make it an opportunity for you to get creative?

ALT tags for images

If you’ve ever worked on a website before, chances are you’ve heard of ALT tags. These short descriptions provide extra information about an image that can be used to enhance accessibility, improve SEO and more. ALT tags may seem like a small detail, but they play a powerful role in providing more context for online visitors and make navigating your site easier. Give your images more meaning by taking the time to add an ALT tag today!

Mobile optimization

Mobile optimization is one of the most critical aspects of marketing in today’s world, as more people are accessing websites from their mobile devices. There’s no getting around the fact that if your website is not optimized for phones and tablets, the sheer volume of potential customers you are missing out on is staggering. Many firms have already embraced this reality by optimizing their pages for both desktop and mobile views; you should too! It’s worth noting that simple techniques like making sure your clickable links and buttons are a comfortable size can make a huge difference in improving user experience. Don’t miss out – take the time to optimize your pages for maximum viewership!

Optimizing your website for search engines

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important aspects of web design and development. After all, if your website isn’t appearing in search results, then no amount of design or content will make it visible to potential customers. While there are plenty of techniques you can use to optimize your website for search engines, one key element that is often overlooked is website speed. No one likes to wait around for a page to load, and search engines don’t either. If your website takes too long to load, then chances are it won’t make it onto the first page of search results – or worse yet, not even get listed at all. To ensure that you’re getting the most visibility possible, it’s important to make sure your pages are loading quickly and efficiently.

Designing for usability

When it comes to website design, usability should always be top of mind. After all, if users can’t find what they’re looking for or become frustrated by your navigation system, then you’ve lost them forever. Creating a user-friendly experience isn’t as difficult as you may think – in fact, there are plenty of simple techniques you can use to make your website more intuitive for users. For example, consider using a breadcrumb navigation system so visitors have an easy way to get back to the page they were on before. Additionally, it’s important that you maintain consistent colors and fonts across all pages, as this will help ensure that visitors feel right at home no matter where they are on your website.

Pay attention to the little details, like buttons, forms, and error messages

These elements, while small, can make a huge difference in the overall user experience. Make sure your buttons are large and intuitively placed for maximum clickability and that forms are easy to understand and submit. Additionally, take the time to craft helpful error messages – this will help ensure users don’t get discouraged when they encounter an issue. Little details like these can go a long way in creating an enjoyable, user-friendly experience!

Testing the forms

Testing forms are an important part of website development and should never be overlooked. After all, it’s essential to make sure that visitors are able to submit their information without any hitches. To ensure a smooth experience, you should perform thorough testing on all your forms before they go live – this will include checking for errors, validating inputs, and ensuring that all processes are functioning as expected. Additionally, it’s also important to test your forms across multiple devices and browsers to make sure they work properly regardless of the user’s platform. Taking the time to properly test your website forms will help ensure a smooth experience for everyone!

Internal linking

Internal linking is an essential part of good website architecture and helps to ensure your content is discoverable. By strategically connecting the pages of your website, you can improve navigation for users and search engine crawlers alike. Internal linking also has the power to increase important metrics, such as dwell time and pageviews. By taking the time to link between relevant pages, topics, and categories within your site, you can create a better experience for visitors and ensure you get the most out of every piece of content. When done correctly, internal linking will benefit both visitor engagement and SEO performance – what’s not to love?

Meta descriptions

Meta descriptions are a powerful tool for SEO that can help your website stand out on search engine results pages. By crafting a well-written, engaging and compelling meta description, you can not only draw more people to your website but also increase the amount of time they spend on it. A strong meta description should be concise but to the point, piquing readers’ interest and enticing them to learn more. Be mindful not to make your meta description too long, as most search engines will cut off descriptions after a certain length. With the right words, you can ensure that visitors will click through – and stay – on your site!

Creating compelling content

Finally, no website design project is complete without content. When creating content for your website, it’s important to keep the user experience in mind. Quality content should be interesting and engaging, as well as easy to read and digest. Aim to create content that is informative and entertaining so visitors will stay on your page longer and come back again in the future. Writing content with SEO in mind is also important, as this will help you get more visibility and better rankings on search engine results pages.

From creating the perfect favicons and 404 page to optimizing for mobile and leveraging ALT tags for images, it can be overwhelming to apply all of these web design elements correctly. However, none of these pieces should be neglected, as having striking visuals and a smooth user experience are integral parts of any website journey. Additionally, focusing on crafty internal linking and meta descriptions provide even more appeal to your visitors—allowing you to maximize your reach. Investing some time into making sure all of these steps are properly completed is essential for giving users an enjoyable experience when visiting your site. So if you’re in need of assistance with web design or looking to give your current site the makeover it deserves, don’t hesitate to hire Graticle! Our team will help bring your brand’s website vision to live and help drive more leads in the process.

Call or text us today (360) 450-3711

Graticle Design: Where Quality Meets Perfection.

At Graticle Design, we believe in providing our clients with unparalleled quality and excellence in all aspects of their web projects. We understand how important it is for your website to look its best and function properly regardless of the user’s platform. Located in Longview, Washington, we strive to create websites with user-friendly navigation, stunning visuals, and reliable performance. Our team of professionals is passionate about helping you create the website of your dreams that will help drive more leads and increase conversions.

Whether you need a brand-new website design from the ground up or just an overhaul of your existing one, Graticle Design can help you with all aspects of web design including: page layout, visual appeal, data structure optimization and more. We also offer services such as copywriting, SEO strategies, and search engine optimization so your website has maximum visibility and reach.

With our help, you will be able to maximize the potential of your website and increase engagement. Call or text us now at (360) 450-3711 for a free consultation.

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