Top 10 Ways to Make Your Website Easier to Use

The average website visitor spends just seconds on a website before leaving. If your website is not easy to use, they will be gone in an instant. In this blog post, we are going to discuss the top 10 ways to make your website easier for visitors by making it intuitive and simple!

1) Website navigation

We are going to start with website navigation. Your website should be simple and easy for visitors to navigate. If your website is difficult, you could lose them forever! Make sure that all of the links on your website work correctly. You will also want to make it clear what each link leads too – don’t use long URLs or hard-to-understand website names.

2) Website design

Next, we will discuss website design. Your website should be clean and easy to read as well as user friendly. Make sure that any images on your website don’t take too long to load either – this is a huge turnoff for visitors! You also want to make it clear what you are offering through the website design. This will make it easier for visitors to find what they are looking for, and if you have a website that offers multiple services or products – this is very important!

4) Website copywriting

Next on the list of things to do when making your website easy-to-use is website copywriting. Your website should be simple and unique – don’t use website copy that is full of industry jargon or website copy with spelling errors. If your website has a lot of website content, you should also consider making it easy for visitors to find what they are looking for through site navigation and website design.

5) Website analytics

If you are not tracking website metrics such as website visitors and website conversions then how do you know what is working? You should keep track of all aspects of your website including the design, site content and user experience. This will help you to see which changes have made a positive impact on your website!

6) Website maintenance

If your website is not being updated or maintained properly, it will be difficult for visitors to find the website content they are looking for. You should take time out of each week to maintain your website so that you can easily make changes as needed! This includes updating website copy and refreshing website design elements.

7) Website hosting

When it comes to website design, website copy and website maintenance, website hosting is also important. Your visitors should be able to access your website easily through their web browser on any device – if they can’t then this could seriously impact how easy your website is to use! Make sure that you are using a reliable website host so that you prevent website downtime or slow loading times.

8) Website speed

Website loading times are very important – website visitors will not wait for your website to load if you website is too slow. Make sure that your website loads quickly by reducing the size of any images, compressing website code or making other changes needed so that it can run smoothly through their browser! Also make sure that all links on your website work correctly and don’t use long URLs or hard-to-understand website names.

9) Website security

Now that website visitors can access your website easily through their web browser, they need to know that it is safe. Make sure you are using secure website hosting so that website visitors can trust your website and feel confident about completing transactions or making purchases! You also want to make sure that the data on your website will be kept private including protecting any customer information or account details.

10) Website localization

Lastly, website localization is important. This will make it easier for website visitors to understand website content or complete transactions if they are not English speaking! You should take time to review your website copy and other parts of the website design so that you can ensure any changes made are done correctly – this could include changing currency amounts or words.

Make your website easier for visitors

If you want to make your website easier for visitors, then you’ll need a team of experts who know how to design simple and intuitive websites. Our team has been making beautiful, easy-to-use websites since 2009. We offer free consultations so that we can work with you on the best way to build an awesome site together! Call us today at (360) 450-3711 and we will be happy to set up a time for our consultation call with one of our project managers.

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