Web Design Content

Professional Roofing Services Website

I’ve already spoken with two people today about web design content.

What exactly is web design content?

Content is all the text and images on a website.

This is one of the most time-consuming and overlooked parts of a website project for customers. Content is the customer’s responsibility. We can refer our customers to content writers and photographers, but at the end of the day, they are responsible for this. It’s for good reason. Our customers know their business better than us.

When it comes to writing content, it can be difficult to think about what you want to write and how to write it. What I have found to be helpful is to picture your ideal customer in your mind. Pick out your best customer and talk to them when writing. What are their concerns? What are their struggles? And how can/have you alleviated these concerns and struggles now and in the past?

For example, let’s say you’re a chiropractor and you want to create content. First, picture your practice’s best customer. Think about them for a moment. What are their common ailments? What does your practice help them with?

As much as you would like to get into the weeds and the technical details, that’s not really your customers concern. Your customer might have lower back pain or tingling fingers, and they don’t really need to know the scientific terms and methodologies behind how you’re going to help them with that. They just want their problem to go away.

When you’re writing your content, it’s important to keep this in mind. Talk to your visitors as you would talk to this ideal customer. Talk about the specific problems that your customer has faced in a hypothetical way. Speak about how these problems were generated over time – was there anything your customer was doing that caused these problems? Then, go into the type of services that you offer to help alleviate these problems. Feel free to mention specific solutions that you offer your customers. At the very end, and with a call to action asking the visitor to call you today. By the way, you should always have a call to action on every page of your website. Always ask for the visitor to take the next step – never assume they know how or will do this without being asked.

The entire goal of the scenario above is to target prospective customers that are just like your existing customers. Your customers can tell you a lot about the rest of the population. If you have one customer that has an issue, odds are there are a lot more that do as well.

When you’re writing your content, feel free to get awfully specific as well. Of course, you can have some general content, but if you go specific, you’ll do a lot better in the search engine results. For example, there are going to be a lot of people searching for a chiropractor in their area. This will be extremely competitive. Sure, you can target these general terms, but if you’re not on the first page, you’re going to need to go more specific.

On the other hand, there are going to be a lot of people searching for lower back pain. If you never talk about lower back pain on your website, the search engines aren’t going to connect your website to someone searching for this term. Again, you must specifically spell out your services and offerings on your website. The search engines won’t make guesses. If you don’t have content on your website about a specific topic, you’re not going to get any results. Here’s another scenario: Let’s say you’re a general contractor specializing in home remodels and you’d like to get more bathroom remodel projects. If visitors are searching for a bathroom remodeler, and your website never mentions that you do bathroom remodels, odds are those visitors aren’t going to find your website.

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