Web Design Tip: Live Chat

Have you thought about having live chat on your website?

Live chat can be an extremely powerful tool for your business. Live chat enables customers to be able to chat with your company on the fly. It’s easy, fast, and with little commitment. We spend a lot of money, time and effort on getting people to our websites. If a visitor arrives at your website and can’t find the information they are looking for, they are gone. That’s why it’s crucial to not only understand your customers intentions, but also allowing them to be able to take the next step effortlessly.

Chatting is a good “catch all” for your website. Similar to an FAQ page, but much easier for your customers.

A customer’s next step doesn’t have to involve filling out a contact form or picking up the phone. Or browsing through hundreds of pages on your website to find the answer to their question. And picking up the phone for your visitors isn’t something they always want to do. They’re busy. Kids are screaming in the background, they’re in the airport, or they are work and supposed to be working. They could send a contact form, but how long will a reply take? Does the contact form just go into the ether?

Live chatting allows someone to get an answer right now.

You may think it’s going to be too much for your business to handle. You can test it out for a day or two and see how it goes. Most live chat applications have a phone application. Install the app on a phone and hand it to the person who answers the phones. Odds are the amount of work won’t be as great as you imagined, and the benefits will far outweigh that effort. In the end, your website will be much more effective for your business.

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