Web Design Trends for 2021

What are the top web design trends for 2021? If you’re wondering, don’t worry! I’m here to answer that question for you. Check out these trends and ideas so your company can stay ahead of the curve.

1) Animation: Animation is an exciting new trend in web design because it helps keep people on your site longer by appealing to their sense of curiosity. The faster our lives move, the more we need things that slow down time and make us feel like life isn’t passing us by too quickly. This is why animation has become such a trending topic among designers looking to create engaging content with staying power.

2) Clean UI Design: Clean interfaces allow users to navigate through websites without getting distracted or overwhelmed by information overload. The key thing to remember is that a clean interface design should be aesthetically pleasing while also aiding users in their interactions with the website.

3) Virtual Reality (VR): VR is one of the most insightful, engaging and effective ways for users to interact with your brand or product on an ongoing basis by giving them access to an entire world that you create. This means that VR will become more prevalent on user homepages on desktop browsers like Chrome, Firefox and Safari moving forward.

4) User Experience (UX): UX is an increasingly important factor for web design because it influences the way potential customers interact with your site. UX should be a top priority in any company’s digital strategy to help them attract new clients and remain relevant against competitors who have already leapfrogged over traditional methods of marketing through social media or other channels.

5) Minimalism: Minimalist design is the biggest web design trend of 2017 because it’s simpler, easier to understand and more pleasing than when designers started overusing lots of elements when designing websites in droves. Websites are looking better when they have less going on so keep this in mind if your company wants to stay ahead of the curve in terms of web design trends.

6) Long Scrolling Design: This trend isn’t that big yet but expect long scrolling design elements to continue slowly taking over user homepages with the popularity of smartphones continuing to rise. More people are surfing online via their smartphones now than ever before so focus on creating longer scrolling features instead of shorter ones to keep your brand ahead of the curve.

7) Interactive Marketing: This is a great way to capture the attention of people browsing websites because you can use interactive marketing tools like quizzes and games to encourage them to share their data with you in exchange for something valuable. The more effortless the process appears, the more likely people are going to complete tasks.

8) Custom Typography: Using custom typography on websites that you design will become more popular than ever because it makes a memorable brand statement.

9) Hand-Drawn Illustrations: Many web designers and brands want their websites to stand out over time instead of become outdated so they’re using more hand-drawn illustrations in place of photographs to accomplish that goal. The best part is that you don’t need an artistic bone in your body to create a great illustration for this purpose because you can hire a professional online.

10) Longer Page Load Times: This is an unfortunate reality but people are getting used to longer page load times with the increase of smartphone usage across the board. Because of this, it’s important for website owners to keep this factor in mind when deciding what kind of content they should include on their sites.

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