Website Do’s and Don’ts

If you have a website, then there are some things that you should do and others that you should avoid. In this blog post, we will cover website design dos and don’ts to help get your website off on the right foot.

What should not be on a website?

1) Website pop-ups

These are extremely annoying and can prevent readers from going past the website pop-up. They also take a lot of time to close and can be frustrating.

If you want website visitors to stay on your website, then do not use website pop-ups.

When should website pop-ups be used?

Website pop-ups can be useful if you want to capture website visitors’ email addresses.

Another instance in which website pop-ups may be used is if you want to offer website visitors a deal that will expire in a limited amount of time.

Just be careful because website pop-ups can have the opposite effect you are going for if they are used in the wrong situation.

2) Don’t use a website slider with too many images or items on it.

Sliders may look great, but they usually cause problems for website visitors when they have to wait through all of the different slides just to get where they want to go on your website.

If website visitors must sit and wait for the slider to move, then they may decide not to wait. They will either leave your website or skip past it altogether.

3) Don’t use website text that is too small for website visitors to read.

If website visitors cannot see your website content, then they will not know what you are trying to tell them or sell them on and they may leave your website before giving it a chance.

4) Don’t use website text that is too dark for website visitors to read.

Website content that is extremely dark will be harder to see and can cause website visitors to leave your website in search of something easier to read.

5) Don’t use website text that is too large.

Website content that is extremely large takes up a lot of room on your website, which can reduce the size of other website elements such as images or videos. If you want to have an effective website design, then it should not be cluttered with more than one big block of website text at once

6) Don’t have a website that isn’t optimized for mobile devices.

Having a website that is difficult to navigate or not mobile-friendly can make website visitors leave your website for another website.

If people cannot easily read and use your website, then they will go elsewhere.

What are good rules for a website?

1) Use website backgrounds that complement website content.

A website background should not overwhelm or distract website visitors from the website text they need to read and understand your message.

2) Make website content easy to read and understand.

Website visitors should not have a hard time reading website text, whether it is on the homepage or buried in website copy that is hidden behind images or other website elements such as menu bars.

If your website visitor cannot easily see what you are trying to tell them, then they will probably leave your website and go somewhere else where they can find what they need.

If you want website visitors to stay on your website, then make sure that it is easy for them to read and understand the information you are trying to share with them.

3) Create website call-to-actions that prompt website visitors to take action.

A website call-to-action is what prompts website visitors to do something after they have read your website content.

For example, if you are selling a product or service on your website, then it may prompt them to click “Add To Cart” or “Buy Now.”

If website visitors do not see a website call-to-action on your website, then they may hesitate to act and decide not to take any action at all.

4) Include website contact information on every page of your website.

Website visitors who are interested in buying a product or service from you should be able to get in touch with you easily no matter what website page they are currently viewing.

Having website contact information that is easy for people to find will make it possible for them to take action quicker and easier than website visitors who have to dig deep down on a website in order to find website contact information.

5) Test website design changes before you add them to your website.

It is a good idea to test out website design changes on a small portion of website visitors in order for you to get an accurate feel for how they will affect overall website traffic and conversions.

Making drastic website design changes without testing them first can cause more harm than good when it comes website traffic and conversions.

6) Make website content easy to access.

Website visitors should be able to get from one website page or website section to another without having a hard time doing so.

For example, if you have an extensive website menu bar with links for all different parts of your website, then it may make it difficult for people who are trying to get from one website page to another.

If website visitors are looking for something on your website, then they shouldn’t have a hard time finding it or getting there with the information you provide them.

Make sure website content is easy to find and access by having links that lead people exactly where they need to go without confusion about how to get there.

Now that we’ve given you some dos and don’ts for web design, it’s time to take action.

Do you have a website? If not, this is the perfect opportunity to start one! We offer all of the services necessary for your site like hosting, security, domain registration and more. And if you already have a site but want help with improving its SEO or redesigning it from scratch then let us know; we can provide a free consultation so that we can get an idea of what needs improvement before moving forward. It doesn’t matter whether your company has been in business 10 years or just started yesterday because our team’s expertise will ensure success no matter how long ago you started your online presence. Call us today (360) 450-3711.

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