Website Hacks: 7 Tips for a Better Website

You have a website, but is it doing the best job possible? In this post, we want to share some website hacks that will help you get more out of your website. Your website should be an integral part of your business strategy and not just something you throw up because “everyone has one.” There are many things that can go wrong with a website, which is why we’re going to show you how to avoid these mistakes and make your website work for you!

What are the 7 elements to a good website design?

1) Hosting

The first step to designing a good website is choosing the right web hosting company. Your website will only be as fast and secure as your host, so you’ll want to choose one that can meet your needs now and in the future. Learn more about Cloud Hosting and Traditional Hosting services in our post here.

2) Descriptive Headings

Once you have your website up and running, there are a few other website hacks that can really improve the user experience for your visitors. The first is to use descriptive headings on each page of content so users know what they’re clicking into when they visit different pages within your site. These headings should display the website’s main topic and be written in a way that is useful to your visitors.

3) Easy-to-use Navigation

Another really important website hack is making sure you have an easy-to-use website navigation bar with well labeled links. We recommend adding a search bar for even greater ease of website use. This website hack will make it easy for your visitors to find what they’re looking for and navigate all the way around your website.

4) Quality Images

Another website hack that will make or break your website is having quality images. If you’re not a professional photographer, then chances are the majority of the photos on your website were taken with an iPhone camera – which isn’t bad! However, if you want to really impress people and give them something they’ll love sharing online, invest in a nice camera and take some high quality photos.

5) Mobile Friendly

We live in a world where people are more likely to visit your website on mobile than they are on desktop. To ensure that everyone is able to access all of the website’s content, you’ll want to make sure it displays well across different devices and screen sizes. For example, if you have long scrolling features or full-width slideshows, you’ll want to have these features work on smaller devices.

If website visitors are unable to access your website’s content easily, they may get frustrated and leave – which is the last thing you want! This website hack will ensure that all of your website’s content can be accessed by anyone who visits it from any device or screen size.

6) SEO

Another website hack that will improve your website’s SEO is to regularly update the content on your website. Google has said multiple times that if you want to rank high in their search results, then you should be producing fresh and relevant content regularly – which means every day or at least once a month! By updating your website with new blog posts or website copy, you’ll be giving Google and your website visitors an incentive to keep coming back to learn more about what you have to offer.

Another website hack that will improve SEO is using keywords in the page title, headings, URL structure, meta descriptions and throughout all of your website’s content so search engines can find it easily! Search engine optimization is way more complicated than simply using website hacks like these, but if you’re not a pro website designer then these website hacks will help you get started.

Lastly, keep in mind that SEO is always changing! What worked yesterday may not work today and what works today may not work tomorrow – so make sure to stay up-to-date on website hacks for SEO.

7) Social Sharing

Last but not least, website hacks for social sharing are another great way to boost website traffic. After you’ve finished writing your blog post or website copy, include images and buttons with clickable links so people can share it on their favorite social media platform! This is a simple website hack that will get your content in front of more people and create a snowball effect of website traffic.

There’s a lot more!

We want to help you make your website work for you! If it’s not an integral part of your business strategy, then there are many things that can go wrong with a website. From mistakes on the homepage to forgetting about SEO – no matter what type of company or product, we have tricks up our sleeves that will improve how people interact with your site and increase conversions. Contact us today at (360) 450-3711 if you’re ready to take the next step in giving yourself more opportunities for success online by improving your website experience!

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