Website Maintenance Services

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Over the years we’ve seen many good companies get burned by so called “web design companies.”

Sometimes these companies don’t end up completing a website, while other times they don’t support their customers after their website is launched. It’s one of the most shortsighted decisions I’ve seen in my life. These web design companies fly through projects with little to no concern on establishing long-term relationships with their customers. They are after the quick buck, always looking for the next big fish to fry. Meanwhile, web design companies like ours aim to serve our customers for life. We’ve been in business for over 11 years, and we still serve our customers that have been with us since the very beginning. Every time our customer’s need a change on their website or feature added, they call or email us, and we take care of it. They don’t go anywhere else because we’ve never given them a reason to. We take care of them. Business is all about relationships and we understand that.

optin book website

Our customers also get great support and quick response times. When they call, text or email us they get a response that day. Our average response time in our help desk software is ~ 8 hours. That average also takes in to account the weekend.

We treat our customers just as we like to be treated. When you’re suggesting ideas and delivering the product, we treat every customer like our family. That means we wouldn’t recommend or suggest anything we wouldn’t also recommend to our parents or siblings if we were helping them. I believe that’s the only way you can truly run a service business that changes people’s lives and businesses. It’s also the only way to run your life – but let’s stay focused on the topic at hand.

We also use video is one of the primary means of communication with our customers. This is a visual business. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to explain something visual through email. It usually just confuses people. We present all our ideas using video to better communicate and help our customers understand exactly what it is we are talking about. I should also mention, a lot of what we do is complex, and our customers might not be the most fluent in the product we’re delivering. Communication and design are synonymous. When you design something, it’s communicating a message. We are all about communication.

When it comes to timelines, budget, and delivery, we are transparent. All our projects are a fixed based-fee, and we communicate all of this up front before ever starting a project. This allows our customers to know exactly how long something will take us to create, how much it will cost, and how we will deliver it. Last thing we want is our customers to be confused about anything we’re doing. We want to be on the same page. It’s exactly what you’d expect from any professional service that really cares about your business and wants to see it grow.

Mobile phone product page design

We provide a whole host of web maintenance services. We can add or remove features from your website, move your website to WordPress, increase your exposure in the search engines (search engine optimization – SEO), host, secure your website, and anything else we can dream up together.

Contact Us for Website Maintenance Services

Pick up the phone and call or text us (360) 450-3711. You don’t have to have a massive project in the pipeline or commit to working with us in any way shape or form. We simply enjoy helping businesses with their website and if a conversation puts you in the right direction, let’s do it.

Free Website Audit

Is your website at its best? Our free website audit will guide you through boosting performance and wowing your visitors.

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