Websites Are Not Set In Stone


Websites are not set in stone. If you have one, make sure to constantly improve it as you grow in experience and learn more about your visitors/customers. If you don’t know where to start, start listening to your current and prospective buyers. Are they always asking the same questions? Are you constantly guiding people to find what they’re looking for?

After a website is “finished,” we work with our clients to help them improve their websites based on this type of feedback. After all, their businesses are constantly evolving, so why wouldn’t their website reflect this?

Last week, we improved BEEM Outdoor’s website based on feedback that they had been receiving.

Here are the specific changes we made:

  1. Display all of BEEM Outdoors generators on the homepage
    Previously, the homepage featured only a select few of BEEM Outdoors’ products. Based on customer feedback, we updated the site to showcase their full range of generators right on the homepage. This makes it easier for visitors to quickly see all available options and find the product that best suits their needs.
  2. Feature the Competition Comparison pages
    Customers expressed a desire to see how BEEM Outdoors’ products stack up against the competition. In response, we added dedicated comparison pages to the website. These pages highlight the unique features and advantages of BEEM Outdoors’ generators compared to other brands, helping potential buyers make informed decisions.
  3. Feature their new Support Videos
    To enhance customer support, BEEM Outdoors created a series of instructional videos. We integrated these videos prominently on the website, making it simple for users to access helpful content that addresses common questions and troubleshooting tips.

By continuously listening to customer feedback and making strategic updates, BEEM Outdoors ensures their website remains a valuable resource for both current and prospective customers. Whether it’s adding new products, improving navigation, or offering additional support, keeping your website dynamic and user-focused is key to staying relevant and competitive in today’s market.

Visual Comparison of the Updates
Here’s a visual comparison of BEEM Outdoors’ website before and after the updates:

Screenshot of Homepage Redesign

By keeping your website flexible and responsive to feedback, you can ensure it continues to meet the needs of your audience. If you’re looking to improve your website, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Graticle Design. We’re here to help you make the most of your online presence!

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