What Does a Web Design Company Really Do?

The term ‘web design company’ often buzzes around with a certain air of mystery. Many wonder, “What is a web design company?” and “What exactly does it do?” This post takes a dive into these questions, revealing the complex and varied roles of a web design company in the modern world.

The Foundation: Understanding the Basics

At its core, a web design company is a specialized firm that focuses on creating, designing, and maintaining websites. This definition, however, barely scratches the surface of what these companies actually accomplish.

The Art and Science of Web Design

A web design company operates at the intersection of art and technology. It employs a team of creative designers who understand the aesthetics of visual design and user experience (UX) designers who focus on ensuring the website is user-friendly and intuitive.

Crafting the User Experience

User experience is at the heart of what a web design company does. It involves understanding the target audience, their preferences, and how they interact with the website. This information is used to create a site that is not only visually appealing but also easy to navigate, ensuring a positive user experience.

The Technical Backbone: Web Development

While web design focuses on the look and feel of a website, web development is about turning these designs into a functioning website. This involves writing code in various programming languages and ensuring the site is responsive and works well on various devices and browsers.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

A crucial part of what a web design company does involves SEO. This practice helps in improving the website’s visibility on search engines like Google. By optimizing content, structure, and the technical aspects of a website, a web design company ensures that the site ranks higher in search engine results, attracting more organic traffic.

Content Creation and Management

Content is king online. A web design company often helps in creating and managing content that is not only relevant and engaging but also optimized for search engines. This includes writing blog posts, creating videos, and designing infographics that align with the brand’s voice and audience’s interests.

Branding and Visual Identity

Branding is another critical role of a web design company. This involves creating a visual identity for a business that resonates with its audience. From logo design to the overall color scheme and typography, a web design company ensures that a website reflects the brand’s identity and values.

E-Commerce Integration

For businesses selling products or services online, e-commerce integration is a vital service offered by web design companies. This involves creating an online store, integrating payment gateways, and ensuring a secure and smooth shopping experience for customers.

Website Maintenance and Support

Creating a website is just the beginning. A web design company also provides ongoing maintenance and support to ensure the website remains up-to-date, secure, and functioning as intended. This includes regular updates, fixing bugs, and adding new features as needed.

Analytics and Performance Monitoring

Finally, a web design company monitors the performance of the website using various analytics tools. This data is used to understand user behavior, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the website’s performance.


To sum it up, a web design company is more than just a hired gun– they are a business partner. They mix creativity with tech smarts to make sure your online presence doesn’t just exist, but stands out. Thinking about giving your website a makeover or starting a new one from scratch? Come chat with us at Graticle Design. We’re all about creating websites that don’t just look great but tell your story in a way that resonates. 

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