What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a page that’s focused on a specific offer.

Let’s say you’re in the service business, a contractor.

You offer a variety of services to your customers: remodeling, roofing, bathrooms, kitchens, etc.

If someone is interested in only your roofing services, you wouldn’t start talking about kitchen remodels. You’d keep the conversation around roofing.

Instead of directing a prospective customer to your homepage who is only interested in your roofing services, you’d direct them to a landing page that’s focused exclusively on your roofing services.


Where landing pages most often come into play are with advertising.

You may have an online ad or newspaper ad that advertises your roofing service. Instead of sending people to your homepage, you send them to a roofing services landing page.

There’s no reason to show them all of the services you provide. For now, you want to show them how you can help with their roofing needs.

How Does a Landing Page Help My Business?

Typically, a landing page features the ability for the customer to exchange information with you for something of value.

For example, a free guide titled: “Tips for Improving the Life of Your Roof.

The prospective customer will send you their name, email or phone in exchange for this guide (in the industry, this is called a lead magnet).

This isn’t always the case, but it’s most common because it’s a small ask. Asking someone to call you now or fill out an order form is a larger ask.

Smaller the ask, the more likely they’ll take the next step. The larger the ask, the less likely people will take the next step.

Exchange of Value

Of course, what you exchange must be something of value. If it’s garbage, they will trash it and forget about your company. If it’s valuable, they will be more inclined to want to do business with you.

In return of offering this value, you have the prospects information. You can now call or email them to see how they liked the guide and offer your roofing services.

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