Why a Blog is a Good Idea

I’m often asked: is a blog a good idea for my business?

The answer is almost always, yes.

The issue is the amount of time that it takes to actively contribute to a blog. If you’re going to have enough time to blog on your post once every three years, then it’s going to be a liability. People will go to read your blog and find information that was relevant three years ago. Great – is this place still in business?

On the other hand, a blog can be an asset if used properly.

For instance, say your business sells a product that people would find valuable in any part of the United States, regardless of their location. You already have a great presence locally, but the rest of the country doesn’t have a clue.

A great way to get exposure, would be with a blog.

To expand on this example, let’s say your product is helpful for people that experience a natural disaster in their area. Your product will not be found if they search for what your company offers. Why? Because, you’ve never let Google know that you can offer your product to that specific area. Maybe you do, but you haven’t explicitly written about Dayton, Ohio anywhere on your website. Sure, you’ve said “nationwide.” But that doesn’t mean much.

You have to convince the search engines to show your website above all the other websites.

As an idea, you can write about a natural disaster that’s happening right now in Any City, USA. You can talk about the disaster, the struggles people are facing and the solution your product provides to help remedy the situation.

Do the above for every natural disaster. Rinse and repeat.

You’ll have a whole host of content for the search engines to look at and deliver.

Every time you have a new customer in a new city, talk about how the product has helped them with their specific needs. Interview the customer on video if you can.

What it all boils down to is that you need to have content on your website that Google can look at and find relevant for searchers. You can’t expect Google to guess what your website is about and who you serve. You have to be specific and a blog is a great way to do that.

Need help adding a blog to your website?

We’d love to help. Call or text us today! (360) 450-3711

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