Why Do You Want a Website? Tips for Web Design Success

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Such a simple question, but it’s important to ask and define:

Why exactly do you want a website?

When we discuss a website project with a prospective customer, this is one of the first questions we ask. It’s also a question most often to stop people in their tracks because they haven’t really thought it through. Vague general answers ensue.

The reason it’s important is so that your website is a tool in your business toolset and not another fruitless expense.

If you’re a small business and you haven’t had a website before, this can be difficult to define.

You need a website because every business has one. Because if you don’t, people won’t know your business exists. Although true to an extent, it’s not enough.


When you know why you want a website it helps us create a goal.

For instance, let’s say you own a local construction company and you want people to be able to find out what sets your company apart from your competitors. And you also want the ability for people to easily contact you.

You may also have secondary goals like galleries/case studies (of projects you’ve worked on to show the quality of your work). You may also want to share stories (reviews/testimonials) from your current customers to show people the experience people have while doing business with your company.

When you create a list like that, you need to pare it down to 1 or 2 of the most important items. Sure, you want everything and the kitchen sink, but what’s the underlying reason for it all? In the example of the construction company, they want more

In the example of the construction company, they want more leads. They want the phone to ring more so they can eventually turn those leads into customers.

It’s a great goal and that’s something we can help steer in the right direction in various ways with the new website. That doesn’t mean that we have to have a picture of a cheesy sales guy with a “call us at (random 800 number) to save 99% off today (offer ends at midnight).” But what it does mean is that we need to create various hooks throughout the website that gives people a reason to contact your business.

Maybe we have a short video of you (the business owner) being interviewed and various employees while working in the field on actual projects. Humanizing your business. Or, a readily available contact form on every page. Maybe an online chatting option so someone can quickly ask a question from your website. Your phone number and contact information very visible on every page. We can talk about your free estimate or your complete and thorough process that you go through on every project. Whatever the tactic, keeping in mind that we want the phone to ring at your business and that’s the #1 goal for the website.

When additional ideas come up, you need to ask yourself “Does this help accomplish our #1 goal or detract from it?”

It’s very important to have your goals set out before stepping into a web design project.

It’ll make the project much smoother and also help you and the web design company you hire reflect after the website is finished: Is this website a success? 

Have a Question About a Potential Website Project?

We’re always happy to help. Call or text us at (360) 450-3711.

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