Why You Need a Web Design Company to Manage Your Domain Name & Hosting

Leadership Page Design

We get phone calls all the time from companies that don’t have any idea where their domain name is registered or where their website is hosted. We’ve seen companies lose their domain names and even their websites because they assumed it was being “handled.”

There are many reasons why you shouldn’t be managing your own website, hosting, or domain name and this is one of them. Your business should focus on doing what your business does best. You should hire professionals that you trust to handle the other aspects of your business, like web design or accounting. If your sole focus is not web design, you have no business acting like a web designer. You’re stretching yourself too thin and eventually it will catch up to you and your business.

When a company first begins, they generally have more time available than money (read: paying customers), so they handle as much as they can themselves. This often applies to the company’s website. They register the domain name, set up hosting, and create whatever website they can. The business starts doing well and the website turns into an afterthought. Eventually, a customer calls and says they can’t find their website. Sure, they can it’s right there. They load up the browser and yep, their website is down. This is the point we usually get a phone call. Now, it’s our job to do all the investigation and figure out where everything is located. If we can, we get the domain name and website back online. But every so often, the domain name has been expired for six months or more, and we now have to pay a lot more and enter into an auction with the public just to get a chance to have the domain name back in their possession. It’s a mess. Did I mention the amount of lost business that is happened during this time?

Just as every well run, profitable business must stop doing their own bookkeeping and taxes, they eventually must stop managing their website and instead put it in the hands of a professional web design company.

By the way, this doesn’t mean you should just hand your domain name and hosting over to your nephew because he knows how to do “web design.” Make sure you are hiring a true professional. Do your homework. It’s usually best to get a referral, but if you don’t have one, look for company with a lot of Google and/or Facebook reviews. Here’s a helpful guide we wrote on the mistakes people make when hiring a website designer.

Don’t DIY

Here at Graticle, we not only manage our customers websites, we also manage their domain name, hosting, and website security, backups, and a whole lot more. Our customers don’t have to remember to renew their domain name or make sure the website is online. They certainly don’t have to remember any passwords or secret questions. We take care of it all. This allows our customers to focus on what they do best, and no, it’s not web design.

Let Us Help You

If you’re looking for company to take care of your entire website and online presence, please give us a call or text us today (360) 450-3711. You can also request a quote.

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