Why You’re Not Getting the Leads You Want from Your Website

If you’re not getting the leads you want from your website, you’re not alone. Many businesses struggle to convert website visitors into customers. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the reasons why this might be happening and how you can fix it!

There are many potential reasons why your website might not be generating the leads you want. It could be that your website is not optimized for lead generation, or that you’re not driving enough traffic to your site. Whatever the reason, there are a few things you can do to fix the problem.

What is lead generation?

Lead generation is the process of attracting and converting strangers into leads, or potential customers.

For example, if you have a blog on your website, you could generate leads by including a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of each blog post that encourages readers to sign up for your email list. Or, if you offer a downloadable PDF on your website, you could include a CTA that allows visitors to download the PDF in exchange for their contact information.

There are many different strategies for generating leads, and the best approach will vary depending on your business, your products or services, and your target market. However, there are a few general tips that can help you generate more leads from your website:

Make sure your website is optimized for lead generation

This means including calls-to-action (CTAs) on your website that encourage visitors to take the next step, such as signing up for your email list or downloading a PDF.

Call to actions

Your CTA should be visible and easy to find on your website. It should also be relevant to the page visitors are on. For example, if you’re writing a blog post about the benefits of your product, your CTA could be something like “Learn more about our product” or “Download our free PDF.”

Include a CTA on every page of your website

Every page of your website should have a CTA that is relevant to the page content. This will ensure that no matter where visitors are on your site, they always have an opportunity to convert into a lead.

Broken links

If you have broken links on your website, it can discourage visitors from taking action on your CTAs. Make sure to regularly check your website for broken links and fix them as soon as possible.

Slow loading times

Another reason why visitors might not be taking action on your CTAs is if your website takes too long to load. Visitors are likely to click away from your site if they have to wait more than a few seconds for it to load. Make sure to test your website speed and optimize it for performance.

If you’re not sure how to optimize your website for lead generation, consider working with a professional web designer or marketing agency. They can help you create a website that is designed for conversion and includes effective calls-to-action.

Generate leads with gated content

Gated content is content that is behind a form, such as an eBook or PDF. In order to access the content, visitors must fill out a form with their contact information. This is an effective way to generate leads because you are able to capture the visitor’s contact information in exchange for something of value.

If you decide to use gated content on your website, make sure that the content is high quality and relevant to your target audience. You also want to make sure that the form is easy to fill out and doesn’t require too much information from the visitor.

Generate leads with exit-intent popups

An exit-intent popup is a type of popup that appears when a visitor is about to leave your website. The popup typically includes a CTA, such as an offer for a discount or a freebie, in an attempt to get the visitor to stay on your site.

Exit-intent popups can be effective in generating leads, but they should be used sparingly. If you use too many popups, or if they are not relevant to the visitor, they can be annoying and result in high bounce rates.

Content upgrade

A content upgrade is a piece of content that is offered as an incentive for subscribing to your email list. For example, if you’re writing a blog post about the best ways to use your product, you could offer a content upgrade that includes a PDF with even more tips.

Content upgrades are effective because they provide additional value to the visitor. They are also relevant to the visitor because they are related to the blog post they are reading.

Review your website content

If it’s been more than a year since you’ve updated your website, there’s a good chance that your content is outdated. Outdated content doesn’t just mean that your information is inaccurate. It also means that your tone and approach are likely out of sync with what potential customers are looking for today.

To get an idea of whether your content is still relevant, take a look at your website from the perspective of a potential customer. Are you addressing their needs? Is the information on your site still accurate? If not, it’s time to make some updates.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on your competition

It’s not enough to just review your own website content. You also need to keep an eye on what your competition is doing. If their website is more modern and up-to-date than yours, they’re likely to get more leads – and customers – than you are.

To stay ahead of the competition, it’s important to regularly review their websites and see what they’re doing differently. Then, you can make sure that your website is always one step ahead.

Make sure your website is easy to use

Even if your website content is relevant and accurate, it won’t matter if potential customers can’t find what they’re looking for. That’s why it’s important to have a well-designed website that’s easy to navigate.

If your website is difficult to use, potential customers are likely to give up and look elsewhere. To avoid this, make sure that your website is designed with the user in mind. Everything should be easy to find, and the overall experience should be positive.

Write new content

One of the best ways to generate new leads is to regularly publish new content on your website. This could be in the form of blog posts, infographics, or even just new pages of content.

By publishing new content, you can attract new visitors to your site and encourage them to sign up for your email list. You can also use your content to show potential customers that you’re an expert in your field, which can help build trust and credibility.

If you’re not sure where to start, try writing a blog post or creating an infographic about a topic related to your business. Then, promote your content on social media and other channels.

Provide solutions

When you’re creating new content, make sure that you’re providing solutions to your potential customers’ problems. This could be in the form of tips, advice, or even just information that they need to know.

By providing solutions, you can show potential customers that you understand their needs and that you’re an expert in your field. This can help build trust and credibility, which can eventually lead to more leads and customers.

Web forms

Web forms are a great way to generate leads from your website. By including a form on your site, you can collect information about potential customers and add them to your email list.

When creating a web form, be sure to keep it short and sweet. The fewer fields there are, the more likely people are to fill it out. You should also make it clear what you’ll do with the information you collect. For example, if you’re collecting email addresses, let people know that they will be added to your newsletter list.

Web design

The design of your website can have a big impact on how many leads you generate. If your site is outdated or difficult to use, potential customers are likely to move on to someone else. On the other hand, if your site is modern and easy to navigate, you’re more likely to convert visitors into leads.

To make sure your site is designed for success, consider working with a professional web designer. They can help you create a site that’s both visually appealing and easy to use.

Mobile optimization

In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to have a website that’s optimized for mobile devices. According to Google, more than 60% of all internet traffic now comes from mobile devices.

If your website isn’t optimized for mobile, potential customers are likely to have a bad experience and move on to someone else. To avoid this, make sure your site is responsive and easy to use on all devices. You should also consider adding a click-to-call button so people can easily contact you from their mobile phones.

Generating traffic

Generating traffic to your website is another important part of lead generation. If no one is visiting your site, you’re not going to generate any leads! There are a number of ways to drive traffic to your website, including SEO, paid advertising, and social media.

SEO: Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results. This can help you attract more organic, or unpaid, traffic to your site.

Paid advertising: You can also generate traffic to your website by running paid advertising campaigns, such as Google AdWords or Facebook Ads.

Social media: Social media can be a great way to generate traffic to your website. By sharing your content on social media, you can reach a larger audience and encourage people to visit your site.

Bonus Tips

Website hosting

The quality of your website hosting can also have an impact on your lead generation efforts. If your site is slow or down frequently, potential customers are likely to get frustrated and go elsewhere.

To ensure that your site is always up and running, consider investing in a quality web hosting service. This will help you avoid downtime and keep your site running smoothly.

SSL certificate

An SSL certificate is a type of security that helps protect your website from hackers. This can be especially important if you’re collecting sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, from potential customers.

If you don’t have an SSL certificate, consider getting one to help protect your site and improve your chances of generating leads.


Finally, don’t forget to track your results! By setting up analytics, you can track how many people are visiting your site and how many of them are converting into leads. This information can help you determine what’s working and what isn’t so you can adjust your strategy accordingly.


So, what’s the solution? The best way to improve your website conversion rate is to hire a professional web design and development team like ours. We have years of experience creating high-converting websites that turn visitors into customers. Contact us today to learn more! Call (360) 450-3711

Lead generation FAQs

What’s the difference between a lead and a prospect?

A lead is someone who has expressed interest in your product or service but is not yet ready to buy. A prospect is a lead who is further along in the buying process and is more likely to become a paying customer.

Why aren’t my website visitors becoming leads?

There could be a number of reasons. Maybe your website isn’t designed for lead generation. Maybe you’re not driving enough traffic to your site. Or maybe your website visitors aren’t ready to buy.

How do I generate more leads from my website?

There are a number of things you can do to generate more leads from your website, including:

  • Designing your site for lead generation
  • Driving more traffic to your site
  • Making sure your website visitors are ready to buy

When should I follow up with a lead?

Ideally, you should follow up with a lead within 24 hours. But if you can’t, don’t wait more than 48 hours.

What’s the best way to follow up with a lead?

The best way to follow up with a lead is by phone or in person. But if you can’t reach them that way, try emailing or sending a postcard.

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