WordPress 4.2 Released – Favorite New Features (with Screenshots & GIFs)

WordPress 4.2 Released - New Features

WordPress 4.2 was released on April 27, 2015 with the name of “Powell” (in honor of jazz pianist Bud Powell).

Not the largest update, but it does include some handy features if you use WordPress often.

Sharing Content From the Web (Press This)

It’s already fairly easy to share content from within WordPress, but now it’s even easier outside of WordPress.

By saving your Press This bookmarklet in your browser (or mobile device), it allows you to share content directly from the web to your blog. Similar to retweeting in Twitter.

Press This New Feature in WordPress 4.2

Plugin Updates Are Much Quicker

Now when you update a plugin, it’ll happen within the plugin page, rather than opening a new page.

Plugin Updates New Feature in WordPress 4.2

Emoji Support

Now you can use all of the Emojis you can conjure up in your Pages / Posts.


If you aren’t seeing any of these features, you’ll of course, need to upgrade 🙂

More Info

For more information, View WordPress’ official release or watch the video below:


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