WordPress 4.6 “Pepper” Released – Favorite New Features (with Screenshots & GIFs)

WordPress 4.6 New Release in August 2016 (thumb)

WordPress 4.6, “Pepper” was released on August 16, 2016 (named in honor of jazz saxophonist Park Frederick “Pepper” Adams III).

WordPress 4.6 is yet another incremental update but does include a handful of helpful additions!

New Fonts (Native!)

The first thing you’ll notice is the font change. WordPress now uses fonts that you already have installed. This means your dashboard is going to load that much faster!

WordPress 4.6 New Fonts

Editor Improvements

There are a few welcomed improvements to the editor, including:

Link Checker

When you type in a link, WordPress will check if you’ve correctly formatted a link and if the link is broken, it’ll point that out.

No more waiting to hear from someone else that the link you posted doesn’t work!

WordPress 4.6 Broken Link Checker in Editor

Backups and Recovery

WordPress now does a better job at backing up your writing when you’re writing.

As you write, WordPress automatically backs up each and every word. Plus, when you make a mistake and need to revert to an older version of the post/page, it’s much quicker to restore your saved data.

Improved Updates for Plugins and Themes

Previously, when you’d want to install a plugin or theme, you’d need to go through another page to install and activate the plugin. Not a complete waste of time, but extra time adds up.

Now, you can install the plugin from where you’re already browsing through plugins or themes.

WordPress 4.6 New Plugin Install and Activating

WordPress 4.6 New Install and Active Theme Template

Import Screen Layout and Quick Install

Not something you’ll want to write home about, but it’s worth mentioning!

The Import screen is now organized in a more organized way and you can install these import tools without going through additional screens.

WordPress 4.6 New Import and Easy Install

* Word of Warning

We’ve already seen a few websites have issues with this update (including our own!), so be cautious before clicking update to this latest version.

Make sure you’re always taking complete WordPress website backups before making any major changes. We recommend taking database backups daily, and full site backups weekly as a standard precaution.

More Info

For more information, View WordPress’ official release or watch the video below:


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