WordPress 4.8 “Evans” Released – Favorite New Features (with Screenshots & GIFs)

WordPress 4.8 Released-04

WordPress 4.8, “Evans” was released on June 8, 2017 (named after jazz pianist William John “Bill” Evans).

WordPress 4.8 is yet another minor update for 2017. The majority of the updates won’t be noticed by most of our customers, but they are worth mentioning since they do show a sign of things to come with the future of WordPress.

Link Boundaries

Not the most groundbreaking feature for WordPress, but much-needed for editing efficiency. Basically, you can select the text of a link you’ve already created and add/remove text without altering the link.

New Link Boundaries in WordPress 4.8


Within widgets, you’re now able to add images, videos, audio, and rich text. Previously, you had to install third-party plugins (or write code) to accomplish this.

WordPress 4.8 New Widgets

* Word of Warning

We’ve seen a handful websites have issues with this update, so be cautious before clicking update to this latest version.

Make sure you’re always taking complete WordPress website backups before making any major changes. We recommend taking database backups daily, and full site backups weekly as a standard precaution.

Call or text us to find out more information on how we can install our backup solution on your WordPress website: (360) 450-3711 (be sure to mention this post!)

More Info

For more information, View WordPress’ official release.

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